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Terms for subject Lighting (other than cinema) (142 entries)
accent lighting 重点照明
All the recessed ceiling fixtures should be mounted to joists 所有嵌入式天花板灯具都应安装在托梁处
Always remember to shut off the power at the breaker or fuse panel to the circuit that you'll be working on 一定要记得关闭断路器或熔断器面板处开关,从而切断将要工作处电路的电源
ambient lighting 环境照明
An LED bulb with comparable brightness to a 60-watt incandescent bulb is only 8 to 12 watts 一只可以和60瓦白炽灯亮度相媲美的 LED 灯泡只有8到12瓦
artificial lamp 工艺灯
artificial light 工艺灯
As most crimes occur at night, the landscape lights can do double duty as security lighting 因大多数犯罪发生在夜间,景观照明灯可同时担任起安全照明的作用
assembled lamp 组合灯
average luminance 平均亮度
background lighting 背景照明
Before installing the light bulb, you should look at the tag in the fixture socket and make sure the maximum wattage for the bulb 安装灯泡前,应先看灯具底座上的标签,从而确定此灯具所允许的最大功率
bleaching effect
Can you show me how the pulley lamp works, please? 你能给我演示下这台升降灯是如何操作的吗?
canopy 灯罩
cap lamp
coconut lamp 椰树灯
coconut light 椰树灯
color accuracy 色彩精确度
color rating 颜色等级