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Terms for subject Politics (454 entries)
active remedy 速效药物
administrative accountability 行政问责
affirmative action 平权行动
AHP 反饥饿计划
AHP 战胜饥饿计划
AHP 与饥饿作斗争计划
allocation of obligations 责任分配
allocation of obligations 责任分摊
anti-famine programme 反饥荒计划
anti-famine programme 战胜饥荒计划
anti-hunger policy 反饥饿政策
anti-hunger policy 战胜饥饿政策
anti-hunger programme 反饥饿计划
anti-hunger programme 战胜饥饿计划
anti-hunger programme 与饥饿作斗争计划
anti-poverty programme 抗击贫困计划
anti-poverty programme 战胜贫困计划
Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达
assessment ex ante 事前评估
assessment ex post 事后评估