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Terms for subject Law (1410 entries)
...days after sight 见票后...日天付款
a body of 一批〔堆,群,团,片〕
a body of 很多
a rise in……的增加〔升高〕
abandoned land 废弃地
abandonee 被遗弃的人
abandonment of a right 放弃权利
abandonment of a treaty 弃权
abate 取消法令
abate 中止诉讼
abate 排除障碍
abatement 终止
abbroachment 垄断性购买
abrogate 废除法律、合同等
absente reo
absolute standard 绝对标准
absolute standard 基本标准
acceptance financing 承兑信贷
acceptance of service 接受传票此处 service 指传票、命令等的传送
acceptance qualified as to place 限制付款地点的承兑