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Terms for subject Surgery (12753 entries)
"five fingered" hand "五指"畸形
50% hemolysis of complement 50% 溶血补体量
6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase deficient form 6—丙酮酰四氢蝶吟合成酶缺乏型
A cell 辅助细胞
A-V fistula 动一静脉痿
abdominal adiposity 腹壁多脂症
abdominal aorta 主动脉腹部
abdominal aorto-renal arteriography 腹主一肾动脉造影
abdominal aortography 腹主动脉造影术腹主动脉造影术
abdominal apoplexy 腹卒中
abdominal apron deformity 腹壁围裙状松垂畸形
abdominal colostomy and rectal bladder 结肠腹壁造口一直肠膀胱术
abdominal dermochalasis 腹壁皮肤松垂症
abdominal dermolipectomy 腹壁皮肤和脂肪切除术
abdominal external hernia 腹外疝
abdominal gastro-colostomy 腹部胃结肠吻合术
abdominal hernia 腹疝
abdominal incision 腹部切口
abdominal injury 腹部损伤
abdominal multivisceral transplantation 腹部多脏器移植