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Terms for subject Weightlifting (1496 entries)
63kg women's 69kg 女子69公斤级
63kg women's 69kg 女举
a second movement 两次预蹲
abdominal conditioner 腹肌练习器
abdominal cramping 两手放在大腿内侧坐姿
abdominal curl 仰卧起坐
abdominal curl with trunk twisting 仰卧起坐并转体
abdominal knees curl 仰卧两膝触胸
abdominal vacuum 体前屈双手扶膝
abdominal vacuum 上体前倾两手扶膝
abductor lift 直立提肘
ability 技能
add weight to the bar 加重
additional trial 附加试举
address the bar 走向杠铃
adjustable headstrap 可调式头带
adjustable incline bench 活动斜凳
adjustable slant board 活动斜板
alternate 普通正反握
alternate dumbbell curve 交替哑铃弯举