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Terms for subject Sociology (336 entries)
access 享有权
access 获得途径
access to land 获得土地的权利
access to land 获得土地的机会
access to land (and other property) 土地和其他财产的获得
access to land and other property 土地和其他财产的获得
adapted to local conditions 适应当地环境
adequacy of food 食物的充足度
adult literacy rate 成人识字率
advocacy group 宣传组
ageing 变老
agricultural land owning groups 农业土地所有分组
agricultural settlement 土地垦殖
agricultural settlement 定居地区
agricultural settlement 移民
agricultural worker 农业工作者
agricultural worker 农业工人
agricultural working force 农业劳动力
at-risk population group 高危人群
attention to vulnerable groups 对弱势群体的关注