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Terms for subject Corporate governance (5551 entries)
"constant-sum" game "常数总额"博弈
360 degrees performance management approach 360度绩效管理方法
abandonment of duty 放弃职守
abend 异常中断
abnormal depreciation 特别折扣
abolition of post 职位的撤消
absence for family-related emergencies 因家庭紧急情况缺勤
absence without leave 擅离职守
absence without leave 无假缺席
absent with leave 有假缺席
absentee 不在场物主
absentee landlord 不在场业主
absolute priority 绝对优先权
academic leave 学术休假
academic leave 学术缺勤
accelerated home leave entitlements 缩短享受回籍假周期
acceptable costs 可接受的费用
access charge 接人费
access fee 接人费
accident report 事故报告