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Terms for subject Packaging (328 entries)
address-label 地址标签
air-packaged product 充气包装产品
alveolar tray 蜂窝结构的盘子
Are there tacky roller clean machines in front of the laminator? 压膜机前是否有粘尘滚轮清洁机器?
auto-bagging 自动灌包
bagging 装袋
bead 滚压
bioplastic 生物塑料
body hook 罐身钩
body hook butting 罐身钩连接
body hook length 罐身钩长度
bottom seam 罐底的封边
box filling machine 装箱机
boxing 包装容器
breathability 透气
bright finish electrolytic plate 光面精整电镀锡板
bright finish electrolytic plate 光面精整电镀铁
bulk pack 散装
burst-pressure test 破裂压力试验
can 罐头