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Terms for subject Clothing (391 entries)
A petticoat and a pair of briefs lay on the ground 地上有一条衬裙和一条内裤
A swallow-tailed coat is suitable for an engagement party 参加订婚宴,着燕尾服很适合
accordion-pleated skirt 百褶裙
air dry 自然风干
all-black 全黑色衣服
ancient Chinese costume 中国古代服饰
anklets 短袜
antistatic finish 防静电处理
approval number 批准文号
armhole 袖孔
As there is no supply of printed velveteen, we regret being unable to make you an offer at present 很抱歉,因印花平绒断供,我们难以向贵方供货
autumn wear 秋装
back cover front 后搭前
back cross 后胸阔
back rise 后裆
back stitch 返针,回针
backless dress 露背装
balling up 起球
barrel skirt 筒裙
baste 粗缝,绷缝