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Terms for subject Household appliances (141 entries)
A blender is an electric machine that you use to mix liquids and soft foods together 搅拌机是用来将液体和软质食物搅拌在一起的电动机械
air freshener 空气清新器
As she shakes the shirt, something flies out, floating up like confetti to land on the lid of the dryer 她抖了抖那衬衫,有什么东西掉了出来,好似结婚时的彩纸一般,飞飞扬扬,落在了烘干机的盖子上
beauty & healthcare and audio-visual appliances 美容保健电器和声像电器
bed lamp 床头灯
bed light 床头灯
blench wash 漂洗
blender 搅拌机
burst-locked oscillator 色同步锁定的副载波振荡器
button switch 按钮开关
By contrast, a Sony LCD TV lasts twice that long 相比之下,索尼的液晶电视工作时长可达两倍之久
chandelier 枝状吊灯
circulating beam 回旋电子注
clothes dryer 干衣机
cold rinse 冷水清洗
crystalline laser 晶体〔固体〕激光器
delicate cycle 柔和脱水
depilation equipment 脱毛设备
deviation flag 航线偏移指示仪
deviation flag