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Terms for subject Religion (159 entries)
Bible scholars luchd-mìneachaidh na Fìrinne Yerkwa­ntai
bigotry dall-eud creideimh Yerkwa­ntai
blasphemy toibheum Yerkwa­ntai
blasphemy dia-mhaslachadh Yerkwa­ntai
bondage daorsa Yerkwa­ntai
catechism leabhar-cheist Yerkwa­ntai
Catholic church Eaglais Chaitligeach Yerkwa­ntai
charity carthannas Yerkwa­ntai
charity carthannachd Yerkwa­ntai
chasteness geamnachd Yerkwa­ntai
chastity geamnachd Yerkwa­ntai
Christ Crìosd Yerkwa­ntai
Christian Crìosdail Yerkwa­ntai
Christian Crìosdaidh Yerkwa­ntai
Christian denominations meuran Crìosdail Yerkwa­ntai
Christian religion creideamh Crìosdail Yerkwa­ntai
Christian theology eòlas-diadhachd Crìosdail Yerkwa­ntai
Christianity Crìosdaidheachd Yerkwa­ntai
Church of England Eaglais Shasainn Yerkwa­ntai
Church of Scotland Eaglais na h-Alba Yerkwa­ntai