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Terms for subject Idiomatic (384 entries)
old-fashioned look a glance of disdain or disapproval
old saw a homespun aphorism
rat race a mad scramble or intense competitive struggle, as in the business world
media circus a news event for which the level of media coverage—measured by such factors as the number of reporters at the scene and the amount of material broadcast or published—is perceived to be excessive or out of proportion to the event being covered
media circus a news event where the media coverage is perceived to be out of proportion to the event being covered
tough spot a particularly difficult or awkward situation, especially one that is not easy to get out of
diamond in the rough a person who is kinder and more pleasant than they seem to be from their appearance and manner
cool cat a person who performs or appreciates jazz, especially one whose style of speech and movement is relaxed and rhythmic
diamond in the rough a person whose goodness or other positive qualities are hidden by a harsh or unremarkable surface appearance
old saw a proverb or maxim
old saw a proverb, maxim, or adage
what price (something) a question indicating (one's) doubt that an achievement is or was worth the cost in terms of the problems it has led to or the sacrifices that it required
crying shame a real shame
what else is new? a rhetorical request for some real news, on hearing a report that was not news because it represents a continuing predictable and unsatisfactory situation
backie a ride given to someone who sits behind you on your bicycle mgm
old saw a sententious saying, a homily
crying shame a situation that makes one feel sad or disappointed
short end of the stick a situation, opportunity, or outcome which is less favorable than situations, opportunities, or outcomes experienced by or available to others
skin in the game a stake, something at risk, especially with regard to money and investments
fence-sitting a state of inaction or indecision over a particular matter, not taking sides and deciding one way or another