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Terms for subject Obsolete / dated (149 entries)
croud crowd
depletalloy depleted uranium Altunt­ash
depletalloy depleted uranium Altunt­ash
detestable detestful Баян
dismount to come down, to descend
empt to empty
empted empt
empuzzle puzzle Mr. Wo­lf
empuzzlement puzzlement Mr. Wo­lf
ere ear
ere at an earlier time
Esthonia Estonia
European Earth monitoring programme Kopernikus
European Earth Observation Programme Kopernikus
fadoodle nonsense
felspar clay feldspar clay
Gang of Four Big Tech Michae­lBurov
Gang of Four BigTech Michae­lBurov
Gang of Four Big Four Michae­lBurov
Gang of Four Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon Michae­lBurov