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Terms for subject Navy (29 entries)
LaWS Laser Weapons System Val_Sh­ips
littoral combat ship LCS Michae­lBurov
littoral strike group LSG Alex_O­deychuk
LLS large landing ship
mid middle watch Michae­lBurov
mid middle watch Michae­lBurov
mid midshipman Michae­lBurov
R.O.T. corps Reserve Officers' Training Corps Michae­lBurov
rear rear admiral Michae­lBurov
rear rear admiral Michae­lBurov
reconnoiter recon Michae­lBurov
reconnoiter recon Michae­lBurov
relay to transfer containers from one ship to another (World Bank) chisto­chel
surface ship torpedo defence SSTD Alex_O­deychuk
transferable Femtocell Access Point tannin
trooper troopship