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Terms for subject Dentistry (234 entries)
acetyl choline ACh Michae­lBurov
acetyl-choline ACh Michae­lBurov
acetylcholine ACh Michae­lBurov
attachment level gain AL gain Michae­lBurov
approximal plaque index API index Michae­lBurov
alumina Al2O3 Michae­lBurov
investment material Bio-Oss Michae­lBurov
investment material Bio-Oss collagen Michae­lBurov
investment material Bio-Oss spongiosa Michae­lBurov
cobalt-chromium alloy CoCr Michae­lBurov
index of caries experience based upon the number of decayed, extracted, and filled permanent teeth DEF caries index Michae­lBurov
count of the number of decayed, missing, filled teeth in a persons mouth DMF index Michae­lBurov
decay-missing-filled index DMF index Michae­lBurov
decay-missing-filled teeth index DMF index Michae­lBurov
decay/missing/filled index DMF index Michae­lBurov
decay/missing/filled teeth index DMF index Michae­lBurov
decayed-missing-filled index DMF index Michae­lBurov
decayed-missing-filled teeth index DMF index Michae­lBurov
decayed/missing/filled index DMF index Michae­lBurov
decayed/missing/filled teeth index DMF index Michae­lBurov