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Terms for subject Nuclear and fusion power (222 entries)
CPOs Crew Performance Observations ВосьМо­й
Design Basis Accident DBA Michae­lBurov
Department of National Defence DND Iryna_­mudra
Defence Research and Development Canada DRDC Iryna_­mudra
Defense R&D Defence Research and Development Canada Iryna_­mudra
Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak EAST Michae­lBurov
experimental fuel rod assembly EFA Michae­lBurov
ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition F-P phase transition Michae­lBurov
ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition F-P transition Michae­lBurov
critical power of a fuel assembly FA power in case of a critical heat flux Michae­lBurov
Fostering Alfred Construction Consortium Agreement FALCON Michae­lBurov
nuclear fuel cell FC Michae­lBurov
floating nuclear CHP plant FNHPP Michae­lBurov
FR reactor with inherent safety such as "BREST-1200" FNR such as "BREST-1200" Michae­lBurov
FR reactor with inherent safety such as "BREST-1200" FNR with inherent safety such as "BREST-1200" Michae­lBurov
floating power unit FPU Michae­lBurov
floating nuclear power unit FPU Michae­lBurov
FR spent fuel FR SF Michae­lBurov
FUPR Follow-Up Peer Review
FIHC Fuel Inspection Hot Cell 'More