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Terms for subject Cooking (50 entries)
sultanas Изюм EvilCo­oper
ambarella Otaheite apple I. Hav­kin
bakestones Martha Stewart: A cross between a cookie, scone, and pancake, these intriguing treats are cooked on a griddle, not baked Michae­lBurov
bœuf à la Bourguignonne beef bourguignon
bœuf bourguignon beef bourguignon
caerphilly hard, crumbly white cheese (Caerphilly, Wales) Michae­lBurov
caerphilly cheese hard, crumbly white cheese (Caerphilly, Wales) Michae­lBurov
carnitas a dish of Mexican cuisine
chawarma shawarma 'More
tenders chicken fillets 'More
tenders chicken fingers 'More
tenders chicken goujons 'More
chicken mini fillets chicken inner fillets 'More
chicken tenders chicken mini fillets 'More
tenders chicken mini fillets 'More
tenders chicken strips 'More
chicken tenders chicken mini fillets 'More
chicken mini fillets chicken tenders 'More
tenders chicken tenders 'More
chile chili 'More