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Terms for subject Biology (308 entries)
bobbit worm Australonuphis Michae­lBurov
hepatitis B core antigen HBcAg
sand striker Australian beach worm Michae­lBurov
hepatitis B surface antigen HBsAg 'More
oligodendroglia a class of cells in the central nervous system which produce myelin
acai euterpe oleracea MaMn
ADH-rat adrenomedullated-alloxan-diabetic-hypophysectomized rat Углов
aw water activity Баян
bobbitt worm Australian beach worm Michae­lBurov
CAM photosynthesis CAM-фотосинтез KK28
counts per second cps Andrey­ Truhac­hev
decomp decomposition
den density
df degrees of freedom
dr degree
Dr Bot Doctor of Botany
Dr Nat Sc Doctor of Natural Science
Dr Phys Sc Doctor of Physical Science
dsDNA double-stranded DNA
dura duration