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Terms for subject Anatomy (71 entries)
crutch crotch Abyssl­ooker
crutch crotch Abyssl­ooker
Extensor hallucis longus EHL Nataly­a Rovin­a
external carotid ECC Michae­lBurov
external carotid ECC artery Michae­lBurov
external carotid ECA Michae­lBurov
external carotid ECA artery Michae­lBurov
external carotid artery ECA Michae­lBurov
external carotid artery ECA artery Michae­lBurov
auricula formerly used as a synonym for the atrium of the heart, i.e. atrium cordis Michae­lBurov
gastrocnemius medialis GM iwona
gastrocnemius-soleus complex GSC iwona
gastrosoleus complex GSC iwona
concha of auricle hollow of the auricle of the external ear Michae­lBurov
internal carotid artery ICC Michae­lBurov
internal carotid artery ICC artery Michae­lBurov
internal carotid artery ICA Michae­lBurov
left common carotid artery LCC Michae­lBurov
left common carotid artery LCC artery Michae­lBurov
locus caeruleus (<редк.>) LC Michae­lBurov