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Terms for subject Weapons of mass destruction (100 entries)
DUSD (AR) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition Reform) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology
Dir, Comm Director for Communications, office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
Dir, API Director of Acquisition Program Integration, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition
Dir, S&TS Director, Strategic and Tactical Systems, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology
dpi Dot per inch
fluoride F6 Michae­lBurov
Gas-Cooled Reactor GCR
Ground Launched Cruise Missile GLCM
Eksportkontrol of Russia Government Export Control Commission of the RF Michae­lBurov
GoB Government of Belarus
GoK Government of Kazakhstan
Heavy-Water (moderated and cooled) Reactor HWR
Htz Hertz
HAC S&I House Appropriations Committee, Security and Investigations
IPM-TLVs Inhalable Particulate Mass-Threshold Limit Values
Light-Water-cooled Graphite-moderated Reactor LWGR
Light-Water (moderated and cooled) Reactor LWR
m/z Mass-to-charge ratio
MC & A Material Control & Accounting
mm Micrometers [1 x 10-6m]