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Terms for subject Stratigraphy (28 entries)
Aalenian Stage Aalen Michae­lBurov
Lower Riphean Burzyan Michae­lBurov
lUC Late Upper Cretaceous doc090
Lower Llandeilian Llo1 Michae­lBurov
Lower Llanvirn Lower Llanvirn Stage Michae­lBurov
Lower Llanvirnian Lower Llarvinian Stage Michae­lBurov
geologic record The geologic record in stratigraphy, paleontology and other natural sciences refers to the entirety of the layers of rock strata Michae­lBurov
geological record The geological record in stratigraphy, paleontology, and other natural sciences refers to entire layers of rock formations. Michae­lBurov
Upper Llanvirn Upper Llanvirn Stage Michae­lBurov
Upper Llanvirnian Upper Llanvirnian Stage Michae­lBurov
Aal Aalenian Stage Michae­lBurov
Aalenian Stage Aal Michae­lBurov
Aalenian Stage Aalen Michae­lBurov
Arn Arnsbergian Stage Michae­lBurov
Burzyan Lower Riphean Michae­lBurov
Crn Carnian Michae­lBurov
eLC early Lower Cretaceous doc090
eUC early Upper Cretaceous doc090
eLC early Lower Cretaceous doc090
eUC early Upper Cretaceous doc090