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Terms for subject Cinematography (689 entries)
1st AC first assistant camera Ershik
1st assistant camera first assistant camera
Universal Universal Pictures
Abby singer The second-to-last shot of the day. Named after production manager Abby Singer, who would frequently call "last shot of the day" or "this shot, and just one more," only to have the director ask for more takes. See also martini shot.
above-the-line expenses The major expenses committed to before production begins, including story/rights/continuity (writing) salaries for producers, director, and cast; travel and living; and production fees (if the project is bought from an earlier company) Everything else falls under below-the-line expenses.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Awards The term "Oscar" was coined by an anonymous person who remarked that the statue looked like their Uncle Oscar.
action "Action" is called during filming to indicate the start of the current take. See also cut, speed, lock it down.
additional camera An extra camera operator, often needed for complicated action sequences or stunts. Contrast with additional photography.
additional photography Focus group or studio reaction to some shots or scenes may be bad enough to convince the filmmakers to discard them. In some cases, actors are recalled and parts of the movie are refilmed. This is referred to as "Additional Photography", "Reshoots", or "Pickups". Contrast with additional camera, pickups.
Adult Verification Service AVS
Adult Video Netherlands AVN
Adults Only AO
Adults only, no one under 17 admitted X
advance Of a composite print: the distance between a point on the soundtrack and the corresponding image. Of payment: an amount given before receipt of services.
agent A person responsible for the professional business dealings of an actor, director, or other artist. An agent typically negotiates the contracts on behalf of the actor or director, and often has some part in selecting or recommending roles for their client.
Alan Smithee The sole pseudonym that the Directors Guild of America allowed directors to use when they wish to remove their name from a film. The name has reportedly been retired by the Directors Guild of America, after 1997's An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn revealed the alias to the general public. It appears that project-specific pseudonyms are now used instead, selected on a case-by-case basis when the DGA agrees that a film has been taken away from a director and cut and/or altered to such an extreme extent that it completely deviates from that director's original vision.
All Age AA
All Ages AA
American cinema editors Honorary society of film editors founded in 1950 by Jack Ogilvie, Warren Low and others.
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists An association with jurisdiction over some works that can be recorded by picture or by sound. See also the Screen Actors Guild.