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Terms for subject Construction (284 entries)
B.a.S. gauge Brown and Sharp gauge
b.f. board foot
B.hn. Brinell hardness number
b.m. birds mouth
b.p. blue print
b.p. boiler pressure
b.p. bypass
BEENetwork Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the Building Stock ВВлади­мир
bitn bitumen
bitum. bituminous
blanket blanchet
bobcat a multi-purpose construction vehicle, akin to a smaller version of a front-end loader or a backhoe (backhoe loader) with a one-man caged control cabin
bp. barometric pressure
bp. below proof
bp. blue print
bp. boiler pressure
bp. boiling point
bp. bypass
British standards BS
BTG blinds between-the-glass blinds Merith­iam