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Terms for subject Drilling (129 entries)
acre 4046.87 m²
ahbrt along hole below rotary table igishe­va
annulus master valve AMV Michae­lBurov
bar barometric
Be Beaume
bottom hole motor positive displacement motor Michae­lBurov
bottom hole motor positive displacement motor Michae­lBurov
bottom hole tubing pressure BHTP Yeldar­ Azanba­yev
bottom-hole motor positive displacement motor Michae­lBurov
bottom-hole motor positive displacement motor Michae­lBurov
bottomhole motor positive displacement motor Michae­lBurov
bottomhole motor positive displacement motor Michae­lBurov
bottomhole motor mud motor Michae­lBurov
BSR bending strength ratio Углов
coiled tubing downhole technology CTD technology Michae­lBurov
CTD coiled tubing drilling Углов
cone-expanded MCHL Cone Expanded MetalSkin Cased-Hole Liner Michae­lBurov
CTD coiled tubing drilling Углов
cuttings flowmeter CFM Michae­lBurov
deviated well A well with an inclination other than zero degrees from vertical. In practice, deviated wells are usually more than about 10o from vertical.