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Terms for subject Informal (833 entries)
'cause because
'd had
'd should
'd would
'do hairdo Val_Sh­ips
'do hairdo Val_Sh­ips
'nuff said used in various situations to either end a discussion, or to imply that further discussion is not needed
'tis it is
'tween between
'twere it were
'twill it will
'twould it would
debt-trap долговая ловушка amorge­n
chew Chevrolet Michae­lBurov
a I bellb1­rd
A Company that Makes Everything ACME
a hole asshole chroni­k
a.c.a.b. all cops are bastards tRiTon­242
ab crunch abdominal crunch chroni­k
absotively absolutely positively Алвико