
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Shabe: 373  << | >>

24.05.2024 15:16:25 euph. inet. fabbot faggot (urbandictionary.com)
21.05.2024 15:40:00 greenie greeny
21.05.2024 15:39:18 greeny greenie
15.05.2024 18:48:25 neol. Zebra time UTC with a letter representing the hour rather than a number (Tell me it's P o'clock, and I can agree with you. Tell me it's 5 o'clock, and I have to ask where. zebratime.org)
15.05.2024 18:34:47 baritone doublet of barytone and baryton (wiktionary.org)
15.05.2024 18:33:56 barytone doublet of baryton and baritone (wiktionary.org)
15.05.2024 18:32:12 baryton doublet of barytone and baritone (wiktionary.org)
14.05.2024 16:31:10 cook. neol. mayoketchup mayonnaise and ketchup (plantbasedboricua.com)
14.05.2024 15:14:45 goodie alternative form of goody (wiktionary.org)
14.05.2024 12:39:41 sparrow fart sparrow's fart (very informal: I've been up since sparrow fart and I'm exhausted. cambridge.org)
14.05.2024 12:39:24 sparrow's fart sparrow fart (very informal cambridge.org)
14.05.2024 12:38:44 at sparrow's fart at sparrow fart (very informal cambridge.org)
14.05.2024 12:38:25 at sparrow fart at sparrow's fart (very informal: We left at sparrow's fart. cambridge.org)
13.05.2024 15:12:08 antesepalous antisepalous (alternative spelling sciencedirect.com)
13.05.2024 15:11:52 antisepalous antesepalous (alternative spelling sciencedirect.com)
13.05.2024 15:10:51 antepetalous antipetalous (alternative spelling sciencedirect.com)
12.05.2024 2:43:36 Daoism Taoism
12.05.2024 2:43:30 Taoism Daoism
9.05.2024 23:49:18 Mohican Mohawk (US cambridge.org)
9.05.2024 23:48:09 Mohawk Mohican (UK cambridge.org)
9.05.2024 23:42:20 non-sexual nonsexual
9.05.2024 23:42:12 nonsexual non-sexual
9.05.2024 20:42:52 road kill roadkill
9.05.2024 20:42:35 roadkill road kill
25.04.2024 22:21:53 comp.games. russ.lang. mq say hi to your mom (мамке ку (привет), mamke q urbandictionary.com)
24.04.2024 14:10:11 oh, how the tables have turned turn the tables
24.04.2024 14:05:24 slang oh, how the turntables oh, how the tables have turned (urbandictionary.com)
18.04.2024 13:16:56 neol. ling. emordnilap word that reads as another word when spelled backward (eg. doom and mood, edit and tide; emordnilap is the word "palindrome" spelled backward yourdictionary.com)
13.04.2024 16:13:01 leery leary (alternative spelling)
13.04.2024 16:12:05 leary leery (common spelling)
13.04.2024 14:49:09 dickface dickhead
3.04.2024 9:49:17 slip through the net slip through the cracks (US cambridge.org)
3.04.2024 9:48:22 slip through the cracks slip through the net (UK cambridge.org)
20.03.2024 2:48:27 comp.games. x9 report (a player to be reported by (the other) nine players: ashe toxic af and went afk, x9 pls urbandictionary.com)
17.03.2024 20:25:42 Philipp. bev. rhum rum (wiktionary.org)
16.03.2024 19:10:46 modern dial. dove dived (A modern dialectal formation of the strong conjugation, by analogy with drive → drove and weave → wove. wiktionary.org)
16.03.2024 12:28:02 prod.name DeepL DeepL Translator (deep learning – neural machine translation service that was launched in August 2017 wikipedia.org)
14.03.2024 1:41:09 hundred and one 101
11.03.2024 17:13:58 prop.&figur. douche bag douchebag (wiktionary.org)
11.03.2024 16:52:49 inet. nevuh never (wordsense.eu)
11.03.2024 13:51:46 humor. doctor's orders just what the doctor ordered (Thanks, a strong cup of coffee in the morning is just what the doctor ordered. cambridge.org)
11.03.2024 13:50:14 humor. just what the doctor ordered doctor's orders (I have to take a week off work – doctor's orders! cambridge.org)
3.03.2024 23:32:00 BrE not anymore not any more (any more – UK spelling)
3.03.2024 23:31:49 AmE not any more not anymore (anymore – US spelling)
3.03.2024 23:31:14 BrE anymore any more (UK – 2 words cambridge.org)
1.03.2024 22:13:40 chem. arsane arsine ("arsane" is the IUPAC name iupac.org)
1.03.2024 20:16:49 hist. USA nine-eleven Islamist suicide terrorist attacks carried out by Al-Qaeda against the United States in 2001 (the September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11 wikipedia.org)
1.03.2024 20:11:48 emerg.care nine-one-one emergency telephone number (911, sometimes written 9-1-1 wikipedia.org)
1.03.2024 20:09:25 nine-eleven not to be confused with nine-one-one (emergency telephone number)
1.03.2024 20:09:02 nine-one-one not to be confused with nine-eleven (Islamist suicide terrorist attacks)
29.02.2024 22:45:47 old.fash. catch cold catch a cold (without the article it sounds old-fashioned cambridge.org)
29.02.2024 2:23:36 one hundred and one you may be looking for 101
29.02.2024 2:22:42 one hundred and one you may be looking for 101
29.02.2024 2:22:42 one, zero, one you may be looking for 101
28.02.2024 22:01:15 gen. a 101 one-oh-one (The term "101" (pronounced ONE-oh-ONE) has gained a slang sense referring to basic knowledge of a topic or a collection of introductory materials to a topic, as in the sentence: Boiling potatoes is Cooking 101 slate.com, wikipedia.org)
28.02.2024 1:14:56 humor. smee it's me (from an anecdote: Smee again......Goan fuck yourself! ebaumsworld.com)
22.02.2024 17:45:23 uncom. ascetism asceticism (thefreedictionary.com)
22.02.2024 16:59:19 AmE mechanisation mechanization
20.02.2024 17:00:55 gen. caddy caddie (alternative spelling cambridge.org)
20.02.2024 17:00:36 gen. caddie caddy (alternative spelling cambridge.org)
19.02.2024 16:12:52 misused common c'mon (misconception of the words "come on," it should be "c'mon" urbandictionary.com)
17.02.2024 21:27:42 comp.games. derog. l2p learn to play (yourdictionary.com)
17.02.2024 21:09:00 gambl. better bettor (one who makes a wager ahdictionary.com, thefreedictionary.com)
17.02.2024 20:57:37 affect. Pooky Pookie (alternative form wiktionary.org)
15.02.2024 17:27:39 AmE plough plow (cambridge.org)
15.02.2024 17:26:35 BrE plow plough (cambridge.org)
15.02.2024 15:53:49 BrE valor valour (cambridge.org)
15.02.2024 15:53:40 AmE valour valor (cambridge.org)
14.02.2024 18:18:14 relig. philos. Jedism Jediism (Weinstein, who has not appeared before Congress previously, said the foundation will celebrate its 10th anniversary in about two weeks. It has grown to include nearly 40,000 members, 96 percent of whom are Christian, he said. The other 4 percent are from various faiths — there are even about 12 members who subscribe to Jedism, a religious movement based on the ideas in the “Star Wars” movie franchise. washingtonpost.com)
13.02.2024 15:18:08 euph. government name legal name (Now, by no means is any rapper, performer or entertainer expected or obligated to build their career and perform under their government name. Many rappers and performers use names that are more catchy and clever-sounding […] wiktionary.org)
11.02.2024 16:37:05 AmE smouch smooch (kiss wiktionary.org)
30.01.2024 11:33:33 abbr. h.rghts.act. polit. POC prisoner of conscience (wikipedia.org)
17.01.2024 21:56:59 AmE scepticism skepticism (cambridge.org)
17.01.2024 21:56:40 BrE skepticism scepticism (cambridge.org)
14.01.2024 17:28:33 inf. prenup prenuptial agreement
20.12.2023 3:58:18 abbr. bible.term. archaeol. DJD Discoveries in the Judaean Desert (official 40-volume publication that serves as the editio princeps for the Dead Sea Scrolls wikipedia.org)
12.11.2023 16:35:16 sleazy sleezy
12.11.2023 16:35:06 sleezy sleazy
6.11.2023 2:36:47 slang dook dookie (wiktionary.org)
4.11.2023 21:51:20 neol. backne back acne (urbandictionary.com)
3.11.2023 13:47:43 much the same much like (ldoceonline.com)
3.11.2023 13:47:31 much like much the same (ldoceonline.com)
3.10.2023 11:33:26 book. well-given well-meaning (Fear him not, Caesar. He’s not dangerous. He is a noble Roman, and well given. wordnik.com, materamabilis.org)
15.09.2023 11:55:36 gen. perpetuity in perpetuity
30.08.2023 22:39:25 customization customisation (another UK spelling)
30.08.2023 22:38:23 customisation customization (US spelling)
27.08.2023 16:56:28 span. idiom. que sera, sera whatever will be, will be (thefreedictionary.com)
25.08.2023 16:40:50 standoff stand-off (UK spelling)
25.08.2023 16:40:37 stand-off standoff (US spelling)
25.08.2023 3:55:02 chat. med. dx diagnosed (Is the person you're talking about a dx narcissist? allacronyms.com)
20.08.2023 14:43:33 proverb the devil you know better the devil you know than the devil you don't (a shortening of the proverb: A: "Why don't you just quit your job if you're so miserable?" B: "Well, I'm used to it at this point, and I worry that I'd feel the same way anywhere else. It's just the devil you know, I guess." thefreedictionary.com)
16.08.2023 1:08:29 african. nyash ass (urbandictionary.com)
7.08.2023 21:55:59 oldfashioned old-fashioned (rare spelling of old-fashioned wiktionary.org)
3.08.2023 1:45:04 bible.term. GLuke The Gospel according to St Luke (blogspot.com)
2.08.2023 16:49:57 neol. rel., christ. exvangelical former evangelical (ex + evangelical)
2.08.2023 16:48:00 neol. ex-vangelical exvangelical (honestlythinking.org)
2.08.2023 16:46:27 neol. ex-vangelical exvangelical ([I am] someone who has done a lot of listening over the years to the voices of those who have left the church (ranging from those who are in the process of deconstruction to those who call themselves “ex-vangelicals” to even those who now declare to be atheist. honestlythinking.org)
19.07.2023 22:03:52 chat. hby how about you (Jack: What's up? // Mike: Nothing, Just chilling, hby // Jack: Same urbandictionary.com)
19.07.2023 18:14:56 axlebox axle box
19.07.2023 18:14:44 axlebox axle box

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