
Forum: English - RussianThreads started by Rashid29

23 1224  OFF: Куда можно эмигрировать или где можно получить образование?  gen. Rashid29  25.03.2013  4:56
8 658  OFF: Насколько тяжело сдать IELTS?  gen. Rashid29  1.09.2011  18:22
1066 81466  OFF:Как уехать за границу?  | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 all Rashid29  21.05.2011  12:03
4 185  Помогите разобраться, пожалуйста.  hydraul. Rashid29  22.02.2011  12:02
28 1655  OFF  Rashid29  21.02.2011  20:45
7 340  Повышение эффективности охлаждения воды в оросителях градирни с принудительной тягой.  tech. Rashid29  18.02.2011  6:26
126 7804  OFF: Как стать профессиональным переводчиком?  | 1 2 3 all Rashid29  15.01.2011  17:44
8 215  The developing mean boundary-layer equations in dimensionless form are...  therm.eng. Rashid29  29.12.2010  15:13
5 323  Heavy-walled, wide-flange I-beams are sometimes heat-treated in-line by computer-controlled water ...  met. Rashid29  24.12.2010  17:42
6 562  2. Blast furnaces produce pig iron from iron ore by the reducing action of carbon (supplied as ...  met. Rashid29  23.12.2010  22:49
3 315  OFF: Конец углеводородного счастья  Rashid29  21.12.2010  13:00
6 1800  Я учусь по специальности "Электрооборудование и электрохозяйство предприятий, организаций и ...  bel.usg. Rashid29  13.12.2010  16:46
4 156  Поправьте,пожалуйста, мой перевод Fluid-solid finite element subject to flowing fluid with infinite ...  Rashid29  24.11.2010  6:23
83  Therefore, the movement of the fluid at any point on the interface (including the boundaries x and ...  Rashid29  23.11.2010  13:14
2 160  The following separate variable relation is assumed for the potential velocity function:  Rashid29  22.11.2010  15:30
2 134  The impermeability condition ensures contact between the shell and the fluid.  Rashid29  22.11.2010  15:02
7 234  In practical units, the fission of 1 kg of uranium-235 releases 18.7 million kilowatt-hours as heat.  energ.ind. Rashid29  15.11.2010  17:58
2 165  The conflicts of interest in tropical deforestation could for example be compared with the ...  Rashid29  5.11.2010  15:41
5 181  Such a situation highlights the need for a fuller understanding of the basic mechanisms generating ...  tech. Rashid29  28.10.2010  17:29
5 161  The hydraulic diameter of the channel is set to unity and dimensions of the channel are calculated ...  therm.eng. Rashid29  28.10.2010  10:23
1 91  Pioneering VIV research using forced vibration was conducted by Bishop & Hassan 1964 who observed ...  tech. Rashid29  28.10.2010  8:47
3 209  To study VIV, investigators have either allowed the cylinder to vibrate freely by attaching springs ...  tech. Rashid29  27.10.2010  18:09
1 104  Elaborate adaptations of the body structure mediate the wetting and de-wetting of the body surface ...  tech. Rashid29  27.10.2010  11:46
2 149  Recent extremely carefully controlled forced vibration experiments by Morse & Williamson (J. Fluid ...  tech. Rashid29  26.10.2010  12:04
3 162  This is particularly true for direct numerical simulations DNS, where all continuum length and ...  tech. Rashid29  25.10.2010  17:25
8 274  While confined to relatively small and simple systems, these studies allowed researchers to examine ...  tech. Rashid29  23.10.2010  15:55
132  The simulation is done on a fixed stationary grid, representing each particle using an immersed ...  tech. Rashid29  23.10.2010  5:19
4 542  Although efforts to follow the unsteady motion of multiphase flows go back to the beginning of ...  tech. Rashid29  22.10.2010  19:51
5 164  For single-phase turbulent flows the introduction of DNS was a paradigm shift of the first order ...  tech. Rashid29  22.10.2010  18:48
1 146  Luci для Tantе B  Rashid29  22.10.2010  17:01
3 298  Lucci, Ferrante & Elghobashi (J. Fluid Mech., 2010hobashi (J. Fluid Mech., 2010, this issue, vol. ...  tech. Rashid29  22.10.2010  14:08
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