
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Eugene37: 13

21.06.2023 14:17:05 abbr. WF with feets
21.06.2023 14:16:03 abbr. FM fewest moves
21.06.2023 13:58:54 abbr. BLD Blindfolded (Сборка с закрытыми глазами в Спидкубинге – Blindfolded speedcubing)
21.06.2023 13:52:21 abbr. ER European Record (Рекорд Европы)
21.06.2023 13:51:51 abbr. CR Continental Record (рекорд континента)
21.06.2023 13:50:33 abbr. NAR North America Record (рекорд Северной Америки)
21.06.2023 13:41:32 abbr. WR World Record
21.06.2023 13:40:47 abbr. UWR Unofficial World Record
21.06.2023 13:40:16 abbr. TPS Turns Per Second
21.06.2023 13:36:53 abbr. OLL Orientation of Last Layer (Orientation of Last Layer of the Rubik's Cube)
21.06.2023 13:36:37 abbr. PLL Permutation of Last Layer (Permutation of Last Layer of the Rubik's Cube )
21.06.2023 13:35:12 abbr. F2L First 2 Layers (First two layers of the Rubik's Cube)
21.06.2023 13:31:47 abbr. OH One-Hand (One-Handed speedcubing – refers to solving cubes with one hand.)