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26.05.2024 16:23:05 abbr. law ROT retention of title (A retention of title (ROT) clause is a provision in a contract for the sale of goods which means that the seller retains legal ownership of the goods until certain obligations are fulfilled by the buyer – usually payment of the purchase price. pinsentmasons.com)
25.05.2024 22:24:49 abbr. law tax. ESC Extra-Statutory Concession (An Extra-Statutory Concession is a relaxation which gives taxpayers a reduction in tax liability to which they would not be entitled under the strict letter of the law. gov.uk)
22.05.2024 0:32:31 int.rel. rules-based international order rules-based order (Minimalist definitions of the LIO characterize it as “open and rules-based international order” while maximalist definitions include liberal social purpose, economic and political rights, and democratic decision-making procedures. wikipedia.org)
22.05.2024 0:32:31 int.rel. rules-based international order liberal international order (Minimalist definitions of the LIO characterize it as “open and rules-based international order” while maximalist definitions include liberal social purpose, economic and political rights, and democratic decision-making procedures. wikipedia.org)
22.05.2024 0:29:27 int.rel. rules-based order liberal international order (In international relations, the liberal international order (LIO), also known as rules-based order, describes a set of global, rule-based, structured relationships based on political liberalism, economic liberalism and liberal internationalism since the late 1940s.)
22.05.2024 0:28:10 int.rel. liberal international order rules-based order (In international relations, the liberal international order (LIO), also known as rules-based order, describes a set of global, rule-based, structured relationships based on political liberalism, economic liberalism and liberal internationalism since the late 1940s.)
22.05.2024 0:27:42 int.rel. LIO liberal international order (In international relations, the liberal international order (LIO), also known as rules-based order, describes a set of global, rule-based, structured relationships based on political liberalism, economic liberalism and liberal internationalism since the late 1940s.)
21.05.2024 14:29:19 UK Office for Financial Sanctions Implementation Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (встречающийся вариант написания названия OFSI. Правильно через "of")
21.05.2024 14:21:38 Hong.Kong. Significant Controllers Register Significant Controller
21.05.2024 12:39:46 bank. FFDLC Fully Funded Documentary Letter of Credit (A fully funded documentary letter of credit is a letter of credit from a financial institution that is backed by funds held in a separate account. ||)
20.05.2024 23:43:51 tax. Hong.Kong. HKPR Hong Kong permanent resident
20.05.2024 23:39:04 abbr. tax. Hong.Kong. BSD Buyer's Stamp Duty
20.05.2024 23:37:00 tax. Hong.Kong. NRSD New Residential Stamp Duty
20.05.2024 23:24:27 law Hong.Kong. SSD Special Stamp Duty (Special Stamp Duty (SSD): This tax is introduced to curb property speculation activities such as quick turnover transactions. It is charged on top of the AVD. – any properties resold within specific ‘holding periods' shall be charged. – only applicable for residential properties acquired on or after 27 October 2012. : Homeowners no longer need to pay a Special Stamp Duty (SSD) if they sell their homes within two years.)
13.05.2024 16:11:50 real.est. FMR fair market rent (Fair Market Rents Explained. The rent that a specific property type is anticipated to earn per month is known as the fair market rent or FMR.)
13.05.2024 9:45:51 law, ADR coarbitrator co-arbitrator
6.05.2024 0:33:41 depyrogenisation depyrogenation
30.04.2024 10:44:51 econ. EVA Economic Value Added (Economic value added, generally abbreviated as EVA, is a way to measure the economic profit of a company or project. EVA is calculated by taking net operating profit minus a finance charge.)
18.04.2024 13:21:25 st.exch. EU. OTF organised trading facility (Organised trading facilities (OTFs) are a type of European multilateral trading venue where contracts for the exchange of non-equities such as bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances or derivatives are formed.)
17.04.2024 10:48:39 swiss. Waadt Vaud (the German name for Vaud (a canton of SW Switzerland: mountainous in the southeast; chief Swiss producer of wine. Capital: Lausanne. Pop: 632 000 (2002 est). Area: 3209 sq km (1240 sq miles)))
17.04.2024 9:36:47 lyrist kitharode
17.04.2024 9:36:47 lyrist citharode
17.04.2024 9:36:47 lyrist citharist
16.04.2024 16:50:46 IT non-preemptive multitasking cooperative multitasking (Cooperative multitasking, also known as non-preemptive multitasking, is a style of computer multitasking in which the operating system never initiates a context switch from a running process to another process. Instead, in order to run multiple applications concurrently, processes voluntarily yield control periodically or when idle or logically blocked. This type of multitasking is called cooperative because all programs must cooperate for the scheduling scheme to work. wikipedia.org)
15.04.2024 21:55:11 hutzpa chutzpah
15.04.2024 9:18:05 auto. LKA Lane Keep Assist
15.04.2024 9:18:05 auto. LKA Lane Keeping Assist
13.04.2024 22:54:39 astr. UFD ultra-faint dwarf galaxy (Ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs) are a class of galaxies that contain from a few hundred to one hundred thousand stars, making them the faintest galaxies in the Universe. UFDs resemble globular clusters (GCs) in appearance but have very different properties. Unlike GCs, UFDs contain a significant amount of dark matter and are more extended. UFDs were first discovered with the advent of digital sky surveys in 2005, in particular with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). wikipedia.org)
13.04.2024 22:54:39 astr. UFD galaxy ultra-faint dwarf galaxy (Ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs) are a class of galaxies that contain from a few hundred to one hundred thousand stars, making them the faintest galaxies in the Universe. UFDs resemble globular clusters (GCs) in appearance but have very different properties. Unlike GCs, UFDs contain a significant amount of dark matter and are more extended. UFDs were first discovered with the advent of digital sky surveys in 2005, in particular with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). wikipedia.org)
13.04.2024 22:47:19 astr. UCD ultra-compact dwarf galaxy (Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCD) are a class of very compact galaxies with very high stellar densities, discovered[24][25][26] in the 2000s. They are thought to be on the order of 200 light years across, containing about 100 million stars.[27] It is theorised that these are the cores of nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxies that have been stripped of gas and outlying stars by tidal interactions, travelling through the hearts of rich clusters.[28] UCDs have been found in the Virgo Cluster, Fornax Cluster, Abell 1689, and the Coma Cluster, amongst others. wikipedia.org)
13.04.2024 22:47:19 astr. UCD galaxy ultra-compact dwarf galaxy (Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCD) are a class of very compact galaxies with very high stellar densities, discovered in the 2000s. They are thought to be on the order of 200 light years across, containing about 100 million stars. It is theorised that these are the cores of nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxies that have been stripped of gas and outlying stars by tidal interactions, travelling through the hearts of rich clusters. UCDs have been found in the Virgo Cluster, Fornax Cluster, Abell 1689, and the Coma Cluster, amongst others. wikipedia.org)
12.04.2024 10:23:19 securit. make calls on shares call on shares (A Call can be defined as a demand made by the company on its shareholders to pay the whole or part of the unpaid amount on shares held by them within a specified time. Amount remaining after application and allotment money is known as Call.)
12.04.2024 1:22:37 cook. tenders chicken fingers (wikipedia.org)
12.04.2024 1:22:37 cook. tenders chicken goujons (wikipedia.org)
12.04.2024 1:22:37 cook. tenders tendies (wikipedia.org)
12.04.2024 1:22:37 cook. tenders chicken strips (wikipedia.org)
12.04.2024 1:22:37 cook. tenders chicken tenders (wikipedia.org)
12.04.2024 1:22:37 cook. tenders chicken fillets (wikipedia.org)
12.04.2024 1:22:37 cook. tenders chicken mini fillets (wikipedia.org)
12.04.2024 1:07:05 cook. chicken mini fillets chicken inner fillets (What are chicken tenders called in UK? chicken mini fillets Chicken tenders are known as chicken mini fillets in the UK. Many people think that chicken tenders are just thin strips of chicken breast. : Our fresh chicken Goujons (sometimes known as the chicken inner or mini fillets) are situated underneath the chicken fillet and are 100% farm assured breast meat. Ideal for use as a topping on salads or as a filling for healthy chicken wraps.)
12.04.2024 1:06:19 cook. brit. chicken mini fillets chicken tenders (What are chicken tenders called in UK? chicken mini fillets Chicken tenders are known as chicken mini fillets in the UK. Many people think that chicken tenders are just thin strips of chicken breast. : Our fresh chicken Goujons (sometimes known as the chicken inner or mini fillets) are situated underneath the chicken fillet and are 100% farm assured breast meat. Ideal for use as a topping on salads or as a filling for healthy chicken wraps.)
12.04.2024 1:05:31 cook. amer. chicken tenders chicken mini fillets (What are chicken tenders called in UK? chicken mini fillets Chicken tenders are known as chicken mini fillets in the UK. Many people think that chicken tenders are just thin strips of chicken breast. : Our fresh chicken Goujons (sometimes known as the chicken inner or mini fillets) are situated underneath the chicken fillet and are 100% farm assured breast meat. Ideal for use as a topping on salads or as a filling for healthy chicken wraps.)
11.04.2024 10:17:24 med. DDA Developmental Disabilities Administration
10.04.2024 22:38:07 int.transport. currency adjustment surcharge CAS
10.04.2024 21:14:55 sociol. TG target group
10.04.2024 13:35:15 general cargo general cargo vessel
9.04.2024 20:57:48 tar ball tarball
9.04.2024 10:03:00 tax. gross receipts tax turnover tax (A gross receipts tax, also known as a turnover tax, is applied to a company's gross sales, without deductions for a firm's business expenses.)
8.04.2024 21:35:27 account. statement of changes in financial position cash flow statement (The Statement of Changes in Financial Position is often referred to as the Cash Flow statement. It provides information about the operating, financing, and investing activities of the company and the effects of those activities on the cash position of the company.: IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows – IFRS – This Standard supersedes IAS 7 Statement of Changes in Financial Position, approved in July 1977)
8.04.2024 21:35:27 account. statement of changes in financial position statement of cash flows (The Statement of Changes in Financial Position is often referred to as the Cash Flow statement. It provides information about the operating, financing, and investing activities of the company and the effects of those activities on the cash position of the company.: IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows – IFRS – This Standard supersedes IAS 7 Statement of Changes in Financial Position, approved in July 1977)
8.04.2024 20:48:52 med. USDG ultrasonic dopplerography
6.04.2024 12:35:33 brit. slubber slobber ((intransitive) another word for slobber collinsdictionary.com)
2.04.2024 11:21:51 busin. EIRC Emirates Integrated Registries Company (gov.ae)
1.04.2024 10:34:38 met. DyFe Ferro-Dysprosium
1.04.2024 10:34:38 met. DyFe Ferrodysprosium
1.04.2024 10:34:38 met. DyFe Dysprosium Iron
1.04.2024 10:34:38 met. Dy-Fe Ferro-Dysprosium
1.04.2024 10:34:38 met. Dy-Fe Ferrodysprosium
1.04.2024 10:34:38 met. Dy-Fe Dysprosium Iron
29.03.2024 0:34:24 methylthiol methanethiol (wikipedia.org)
29.03.2024 0:33:19 methiol methanethiol (wikipedia.org)
29.03.2024 0:33:19 thiomethyl alcohol methanethiol (wikipedia.org)
29.03.2024 0:33:19 thiomethanol methanethiol (wikipedia.org)
29.03.2024 0:33:19 methylthiol methanethiol (wikipedia.org)
29.03.2024 0:30:46 methanethiol methyl mercaptan (wikipedia.org)
29.03.2024 0:17:15 chem.comp. thiobutyl alcohol butyl mercaptan (wikipedia.org)
29.03.2024 0:15:36 chem. 1-mercaptobutane butyl mercaptan (wikipedia.org)
29.03.2024 0:14:25 mercaptobutane butyl mercaptan
29.03.2024 0:12:39 butane-1-thiol butyl mercaptan
28.03.2024 21:01:52 med. chorioid choroid (less common spelling of "choroid" – a vascular membrane containing large branched pigmented cells that lies between the retina and the sclera of the vertebrate eye merriam-webster.com)
28.03.2024 16:27:13 China Huhehot Hohhot
28.03.2024 16:27:13 China Hu-ho-hao-t'e Hohhot
27.03.2024 23:20:07 tech. OCA optically clear adhesive
27.03.2024 21:46:16 gen. tertiary education post-secondary education
27.03.2024 21:40:59 agily agilely
27.03.2024 21:14:35 prostrate oneself before prostrate oneself
27.03.2024 1:22:37 since the rinderpest before the rinderpest
20.03.2024 12:55:41 caviar caviare (Caviar (also known as caviare) is a food consisting of salt-cured roe of the family Acipenseridae (sturgeon, etc). Caviar is considered a delicacy and is eaten as a garnish or spread. Traditionally, the term caviar refers only to roe from wild sturgeon in the Caspian Sea and Black Sea (beluga, ossetra and sevruga caviars). The term caviar can also describe the roe of other species of sturgeon or other fish such as paddlefish, salmon, steelhead, trout, lumpfish, whitefish, or carp. wikipedia.org)
20.03.2024 12:48:31 caviare caviar (вариант написания)
19.03.2024 17:37:39 pratic pratique
18.03.2024 9:48:30 grizzly grisly (collinsdictionary.com)
18.03.2024 9:47:19 grisly grizzly (grisly [grɪzli] also grizzly – Word forms: comparative grislier , superlative grisliest: ...two horrifically grisly murders. • ...a grizzly crime. collinsdictionary.com)
18.03.2024 9:36:01 abbr. antitrust. UK TRA Trade Remedies Authority
17.03.2024 19:00:08 midrise mid-rise
17.03.2024 15:25:29 lowrise low-rise
16.03.2024 11:59:16 reactive hypoglycemia postprandial hypoglycaemia (Reactive hypoglycemia, also called postprandial hypoglycemia, is when your blood sugar (blood glucose) drops after eating.)
16.03.2024 11:59:16 reactive hypoglycemia postprandial hypoglycemia (Reactive hypoglycemia, also called postprandial hypoglycemia, is when your blood sugar (blood glucose) drops after eating.)
15.03.2024 12:05:19 at law or equity at law or in equity
14.03.2024 20:59:07 trade name tradename
14.03.2024 20:58:45 tradename trade name
6.03.2024 15:40:42 have bang to rights have dead to rights (have (someone) bang to rights)
6.03.2024 15:34:40 brit. bang to rights dead to rights (bang (UK) or dead (US) to rights – caught red-handed || having enough evidence against someone to accuse them of a crime and to prove that they are guilty: We've got you bang to rights handling stolen property. • You've got your man – got him bang to rights – evidence, witnesses, the lot. • She was caught bang to rights on a bribery charge.)
6.03.2024 15:32:55 dead to rights bang to rights (dead (US) or bank (UK) to rights – With irrefutable proof of wrongdoing or illegal activity, usually used with the verbs "caught" or "have.")
29.02.2024 22:01:04 abbr. law DDQ due diligence questionnaire (A due diligence questionnaire, referred to by the acronym DDQ, is a list of questions designed to evaluate aspects of an organization prior to a merger, acquisition, investment or partnership. Sometimes, the due diligence questionnaire is called the due diligence checklist.: What is a due diligence questionnaire? A due diligence questionnaire is a formal document with questions designed to ascertain a third party’s compliance with industry standards, laws and regulations, cybersecurity best practices and anything else material to the company.)
29.02.2024 12:15:19 with immediate effect effective immediately
29.02.2024 11:30:03 turn key solution turnkey solution
28.02.2024 15:12:57 find one's sea legs get sea legs
28.02.2024 10:09:01 sea legs surimi
28.02.2024 9:50:41 tenement to let flat to rent (Two bedroom traditional tenement to let in Renfrew, available beginning of August. (Property could be available sooner if requested.))
28.02.2024 9:50:41 tenement to let apartment to rent (Two bedroom traditional tenement to let in Renfrew, available beginning of August. (Property could be available sooner if requested.))

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