מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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успокойся! vמתח
כלל. cool it!; now, now; keep cool!; get over it! (Taras); be easy!; сalm down! (Andrey Truhachev); сalm yourself! (Andrey Truhachev); simmer down (Maggie)
.אוסטר break it down! (Юрий Гомон)
.אידיו chill! (Ivan Pisarev); be still my heart (Calm down Interex)
.אמריק settle down! (Maggie); simmer down! (Maggie); get a hold of yourself! (Maggie)
.לא רש get over yourself (когда кто-то ведет себя слишком самонадеянно alia20); there there (Yokky); lighten up (zoologist); be quiet! (Andrey Truhachev); calm down (Nansie Lizard); give it a break (joyand)
.סְלֶנ take it easy!; cool it; chill out! (Азери); calm one's clams (mancy7)
успокойся v
כלל. you're okay (успокаивая младенца ART Vancouver)
.אידיו Down boy (Natalia D)
.לא רש easy now (Easy now. We're getting there. – Успокойся. Сейчас поймёшь. ART Vancouver)
успокоиться v
Игорь Миг forget about it
כלל. go off (о боли и т. п.); make one's mind easy; abate; quiet; quieten; smooth; calm down; rage itself out (гл. обр. о буре); settle nerves; simmer down; recover one's temper; take one's ease; be at peace with oneself; recollect oneself; recompose oneself; recover temper; regain temper; set heart at rest; set mind at rest; straighten face; take comfort; smooth rumpled feathers; take ease; take foot off the gas; rage oneself out; to re-collect oneself; settle mind; check one's tears (Aly19); sober down (Interex); relax (после бурной деятельности физической или нервно-психической Баян); pacify; tranquillize; spend (о буре и т.п.); come to order; get over the excitement (linton); chill (Tanya Gesse); cool out; compose oneself; ease mind; come round; put one's mind at rest (dianamamedova); seat in (MichaelBurov); calm nerves (Artjaazz); hush; settle; regain one's temper; calm oneself (When you're not able to calm yourself, when you feel unable to cope with stress, you need to reach out to a professional. ART Vancouver); lay one's ears back (sea holly); chill out (часто повелит. Oxiplegatz); be at peace with oneself; be at rest; quiet down; gather oneself (suburbian); go still (Abysslooker); subside (of pain, a storm, etc.); dull; relieve; appease; assuage; calm; comfort; console; deaden; reassure; soothe; settle down (Rust71)
.אידיו put one's mind at ease (Talk to our financial advisor and put your mind at ease. ART Vancouver); put down the cup (calm down, chill out: Suzie you need to "put your cup down" because you are starting to ask too many questions. КГА); rest easy (Undoubtedly due to the incredible clarity of the pictures, they quickly went viral on social media in Sri Lanka with many people marveling at the monstrosity seen in the images. However, those fearful of encountering the creature can rest easy as an official with the Yala National Park informed the AFP last week that "no such thing has been reported" at the site. -- могут успокоиться (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
.אנימצ mellow out (South_Park)
.אסטרו damp
.גֵאוֹ come to rest
.הובלה become still; slacken; subside
.ווּלג get one's shit together
.כַּלְ settle down (о рынке)
.לא רש unwind; slow down (Александр_10); keep it easy (zhukovskiy); hang loose (Taras); be satisfied; muffle; steady one's nerves (stop onerself from feeling nervous: She took a deep breath to steady her nerves. 4uzhoj); take it down a notch (VLZ_58); get complacent (Николай Сергеев)
.לא רש, .משמעו return to normal (во фразе "все успокоилось": Helicopters buzzed around for two nights, then things returned to normal. 4uzhoj)
.מיושן have comfort (Bobrovska)
.נדיר still
.סְלֶנ choke choke in choke up; cool it; quee down; unlax; simmer; cool down; pipe down (Interex); parley (КГА)
Gruzovik, .לא רש be satisfied (pf of успокаиваться)
recompose; set one's heart at rest; set one's mind at rest; take one's foot off the gas; be at rest; shake; lay back; become still (о море); come to rest (о породе); compose features; muffle up; quieten down; rage itself out (гл. о буре); rest content; set one's mind at ease; shake down; cover one's
רגון;.ז' slow one's roll (To calm oneself down. КГА)
успокоить v
כלל. appease; allay (suspicions, doubts, etc.); attemper; becalm; calm (one’s nerves); charm; comfort; compose; ease; kill; lay; lull; mollify; pacify; placate; quell; quiet; quieten; relieve; salve; smooth; solace; soothe (pain); still; calm down; set at rest; set somebody at ease; stroke somebody down (кого-либо); recompose; lay an apprehension; mollify (чем-либо; кого-либо); put at his ease (кого-либо); put off with fair speeches; relieve mind (кого-либо); set mind at rest (кого-либо); settle scruples (кого-либо); stanch; stroke down (кого-либо); relieve mind (утешить, кого-либо); tranquilize; allay concerns (Anglophile); lenify; lullaby; propitiate; cushion; silence; calm down (ся); set at ease; stroke down; relax (MichaelBurov); seat in (MichaelBurov); console; quiet down (a child, group, etc.); tranquillize; hush; mince; settle (one’s stomach); put somebody at his ease (кого-либо); reassure (Ranoulph); hush hush; provide reassurance (Evgenia Myo); set someone's mind at rest (кого-либо); smooth down (kee46); give peace of mind (SirReal); instill calm (especially useful if there's no animate direct object ("His only purpose in coming was to instill calm" vs.): to calm everyone down Liv Bliss); quieten down (Andrey Truhachev); deaden (Ranoulph); dull (Ranoulph); assuage; conciliate; make a light heart; cool smb.'s anger (кого́-л.); put smb. out of suspense (кого́-л.)
.אידיו put at ease (Баян); pour oil on troubled waters (В.И.Макаров); put someone's mind at ease (кого-либо robin0509)
.אסטרו damp
.לא רש set someone's mind to ease (в смысле: помочь кому-то перестать о чем-то напряжённо думать Marina_Onishchenko); talk down (Andrey Truhachev); let down easy (Анна Ф)
.סְלֶנ buzz off; cool out (кого-то)
.פִּיו, .אַרְכ strew
set someone's mind at rest (кого-либо); ease anxiety (кого-либо); mollify someone with something (чем-либо; кого-либо); nullify someone with something (чем-либо; кого-либо); put someone at his case (кого-либо); set someone at ease (кого-либо); set someone's mind at ease (кого-либо); set someone's rest (кого-либо)
успокой v
Gruzovik, .לא רש calming (= успокоение); consolation (= успокоение); quieting (= успокоение); appeasing (= успокоение); soothing (= успокоение); assuagement (= успокоение); calm (= успокоение); quiet (= успокоение); peace (= успокоение); tranquility (= успокоение)
успокойтесь! v
כלל. come, come!; simmer down! (Taras); calm yourself; compose yourself!; don't worry
.דִיפּ chill out! (bigmaxus); steady on! (bigmaxus)
.ווּלג keep your hair on!; keeping your hair on!
.לא רש be quiet! (Andrey Truhachev)
успокойтесь v
כלל. make your mind easy; calm yourself!; no harm meant (после факта: "All right, Mr. Hayes, no harm meant," said Holmes. "We have been having a look at your horses, but I think I'll walk, after all." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver); be of good comfort; be not so disquiet; restore yourself to your temper
.לא רש compose yourself (chronik)
.סְלֶנ be yourself; cool it
Успокойся! v
.לא רש Calm the ham! (proggie); don't have a baby!
 רוסית אוצר מילים
успокой v
.מיושן успокоение
успокойся: 213 צירופים, 16 נושאים
אמריקאי שימוש, לא איות1
גס רוח1
יחסי ציבור1
לא רשמי6
תקשורת המונים2