מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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угасать vמתח
Gruzovik be extinguished (impf of угаснуть); become dim (impf of угаснуть); go out (impf of угаснуть)
Игорь Миг bleed; snuff out; fizzle out (интерес); be on the wane
כלל. become extinct; die away (The darkness deepening as the fire died away, the stillness of the night, the low wailing of a wind growing out of the north roused in him the unrest and doubt that sunshine and day had dispelled.); die down; decay; leak away; wink; slip away (об умирающем bookworm); extinguish (Notburga); fail; wither (о чувствах); fade away; go out (of a fire); dissipate (о гневе и др. чувствах); waste; die out; expire; ebb; gutter (о пламени Aly19); decrease (Min$draV); taper off (о звуке Abysslooker); dissipate (о гневе Faig1976); wane (Maria Klavdieva); decaying; perish; pine; slake
.אֶפִּ defervesce (The 8-week period is derived from the mean duration of time for a pandemic to build, peak, and defervesce in a community fluggegecheimen)
.גידול fade (dimock)
.סְלֶנ die away (The sound of music died away. == Звуки музыки постепенно стихли.); die down (The sound of music died away. == Звуки музыки постепенно стихли.)
.צִיוּ go downhill (Liv Bliss); die down (об огне и); fade to black (Vadim Rouminsky)
decline; sink; be on the wane; leak away (напр., о жизни); peak and pine; waste away; wink out; ebb away
"угасая" v
.מוּסִ dying away (нотное указание)
угасать: 38 צירופים, 5 נושאים
אמריקאי שימוש, לא איות1