מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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.לא רש get your mind right (VLZ_58); get it together (A term used to tell someone to get it together and start using their brain. VLZ_58); use your head! (VLZ_58); Use your brains! (george serebryakov)
אט וסלנג באינטרנט;.צ' touch grass (flandern)
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כלל. get your shit together! (Dude67)
I want no more of your nonsense!; I'll stand no nonsense from you!
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Игорь Миг mend one's ways; get its act together
כלל. come to one's senses; clean up one's act (begin to behave in a better way, especially by giving up alcohol, drugs, or illegal activities: You're going to have to clean up your act if you want to get into a good college. • Tish has really cleaned up her act – she doesn't drink or smoke pot any more. Anglophile); pull up one's socks (Anglophile); get one's act together (Межирицкий); shape up; get one's head right (КГА)
.אידיו turn things around (george serebryakov); get oneself back on the right track (george serebryakov); find some sense (george serebryakov); change one's ways (It is said that an old woman who lived in the village here was directed by God to warn the people to change their ways, in some stories the old woman is portrayed as a Nun. When the people ignored the warnings God dispatched a number of Angels who removed the land where the village stood, only sparing the chapel which can still be seen on the edge of the crater. wordpress.com ART Vancouver); come to one's senses (Bobrovska)
.אמריק, .צִיוּ get religion (The company got religion and stopped making dangerous products. Telecaster)
.לא רש straighten out (Ремедиос_П); smarten up (to become more intelligent or aware (Merriam-Webster): He'd better smarten up or he'll get fired. ART Vancouver)
.משמעו hunker down (That test is worth half your grade, so you'd better hunker down and start studying. 4uzhoj)
.פִּתג come to one's senses
bring someone to his senses
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.לא רש Clean up your act! (Andrey Truhachev)
возьмись за ум: 7 צירופים, 2 נושאים