מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. acaudillar; gobernar; precepto
.טכנול comando; mandato; mando; orden; instrucción de control
.טכנול .טֶכנו instrucción; sentencia
| Processor
כלל. transformador
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות (ייתכן שלא יהיו תרגומים עבור חלק מערכי התזאורוס במילון הדו-לשוני)

שם עצם | פועל | צירופים
command [kə'mɑ:nd] נ
כלל. acaudillar; gobernar; precepto m
.טכנול comando m; mandato m; mando m; orden m; instrucción de control
.טכנול, .טֶכנו instrucción; sentencia f
.כלי מ señal de mando
.כלי נ altura del ánima; autoridad f; comandancia f; jefatura f; unidad f; voz de mando
.מיקרו comando m (An instruction to a computer program that, when issued by the user, causes an action to be carried out. Commands are usually either typed at the keyboard or chosen from a menu)
.פטנטי ordenar
.שליטה acción en un diagrama funcional; orden en un diagrama funcional
.תקשור señal de control
מחש. dominio m
command [kə'mɑ:nd] v
כלל. comandar 128 ; mandar 128
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
command [kə'mɑ:nd] נ
.ארצות The authority that a commander in the armed forces lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment. ראה גם area command, combatant command, combatant command command authority; An order given by a commander; that is, the will of the commander expressed for the purpose of bringing about a particular action. ראה גם area command, combatant command, combatant command command authority; A unit or units, an organization, or an area under the command of one individual (JP 1) ראה גם area command, combatant command, combatant command command authority
.טֶכנו, .נוֹטָ cd
.לוֹגִ The authority and responsibility vested in a member of the military forces for the purpose of using available resources, planning their employment, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling military forces. 2. A unit, group of units, organization or area under the authority of a single commander. 3. An order given by a member of the military forces with the vested authority, expressing his will to bring about a particular action. (UKR/NATO); Order given by a commander. It expresses the commander's will regarding the execution of a given action. Chain of sequenced actions consisting in: 1. giving orders. It requires: that they be prepared following a thinking process, that the decisions be taken, that they be written and disseminated; 2. controlling their execution in: following the situation, conducting the maneuver and especially coordinating the actions of units; 3. reporting. There are 3 levels of command responsibilities: 1. Decision commander and conduct chief of staff; 2. Synthesis, coordination, proposition commander of the op-center and cells commanders; 3. Execution and conduct staff officers. (FRA)
.נוֹטָ cmd; com; comd
control and communications system; control and identification
Command [kə'mɑ:nd] נ
כלל. Control and Communications
.נוֹטָ, .סיומת .com (file name extension); .cmd (file name extension)
COMMAND [kə'mɑ:nd] קיצור.
.נוֹטָ, .מכוני cockpit management data system
.נוֹטָ, .תְעוּ computer command engineer
Command Processor: 2 צירופים, 2 נושאים
טכנולוגית מידע1