מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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come out of nowhereמתח
.אידיו как с неба свалиться (Winds howling, waves crashing at English Bay. Crazy windstorm here tonight. Whole house is shaking. Having grown up in Southern Alberta I'm used to wind, but this gale's just come out of nowhere! Bang. Bang. Flash. Flash. Now we're in darkness. Blown transformers lighting up the sky. Huge wind and rain surge. (Twitter) ART Vancouver); как снег на голову (Winds howling, waves crashing at English Bay. Crazy windstorm here tonight. Whole house is shaking. Having grown up in Southern Alberta I'm used to wind, but this gale's just come out of nowhere! Bang. Bang. Flash. Flash. Now we're in darkness. Blown transformers lighting up the sky. Huge wind and rain surge. (Twitter) ART Vancouver); появиться как из-под земли (Winds howling, waves crashing at English Bay. Crazy windstorm here tonight. Whole house is shaking. Having grown up in Southern Alberta I'm used to wind, but this gale's just come out of nowhere! Bang. Bang. Flash. Flash. Now we're in darkness. Blown transformers lighting up the sky. Huge wind and rain surge. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
come out of nowhere: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים