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boondoggle ['bu:n'dɔg(ə)l] נ
כלל. 童子军系于颈部的皮辫绳; 皮或柳条制手工制品〔手工艺品〕; 无价值的琐事
.תעשיי 皮辫绳美国童子军系的
〈美〉简单手工业品; 浪费的开支
boondoggle ['bu:n'dɔg(ə)l] v
כלל. 干无意义的琐事
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
boondoggle ['bu:n'dɔg(ə)l] נ
כלל. a project funded by the federal government out of political favoritism that is of no real value to the community or the nation (collinsdictionary.com A.Rezvov); work of little or no value done merely to keep or look busy (collinsdictionary.com A.Rezvov)
boondoggle ['bu:n'dɔg(ə)l] נ
כלל. a wasteful or impractical project or activity often involving graft (merriam-webster.com A.Rezvov)