מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים לפי נושא פינוי חומרי נפץ ואמצעי נפץ המכילים An | כל הפורומים | בדיוק
mine fitted with an anti-lift deviceмина с элементом неизвлекаемости
rig an explosive deviceзаминировать (предмет, тело и пр.: In the latter half, she shared the true story of Clay Wheeler, a Texas aircraft repair shop owner who witnessed an array of paranormal phenomena at a small airport where he lived that included UFOs, aliens, poltergeists, demonic possession, and plain old murder. She fictionalized Wheeler's location because he had allegedly shot and buried an alien, and possibly rigged explosives at the burial site. -- заминировал место, где закопал его coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
set off an explosiveпривести в действие взрывное устройство
set off an explosiveосуществить подрыв (взрывного устройства: Noise and commotion in the forest are said to arouse the curiosity of Bigfoot. For example, in an incident nearly 30 years ago in the Northern Oregon coast range, a military worker setting off explosives saw three Sasquatch with their arms swaying back and forth at a smoking crater. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)