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מונחים בנושא כספים (52417 статей)
"factorisé" factored
"fleur espagnole" "Spanish flower"
"grand investisseur" institutional investor
"hedger" hedger
"Ma Tante" pawnbroker
"Ma Tante" pawnshop
"medium term notes" internationaux international medium-term notes
"modus operandi" de la politique monétaire unique modus operandi of the single monetary policy
"obligation provisoire" interim bond
"obligation provisoire" temporary bond
"options de livraison" delivery options
"Paquet Delors II" Delors II package
"passer-outre" aux refus de visa overruling of refusals of approval
"passthru payment" passthru payment
"pit" pit
"poids du passé" excessif excessive cost of the past
"poids du passé" normal normal cost of the past
"position trading" position trading
"rovings" rovings
"scalper" day trader