מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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מונחים בנושא מנגה (72 статей)
reproachful eyes ジト目
scornful eyes ジト目
sharp and sarcastic without ever acting lovestruck ツンドラ
sharp ear デビルイヤー
sharp ear デビル・イヤー
signs, symbols and characters used in manga to represent actions, emotions, etc. 漫符
sound effect for shock ガーン
sound effect for slurping back up excess saliva じゅるり
sound effect when pressing a button ポチっ
sound of a sticky rice cake sticking to something ぺちゃんこ
sound of a sticky rice cake sticking to something ぺしゃんこ
sound of a sticky rice cake sticking to something ぺっちゃんこ
sound of a sticky rice cake sticking to something ぺったんこ
sound of a sticky rice cake sticking to something ペッタンコ
sound of a sticky rice cake sticking to something ぺたんこ
staff ステッキ {gai1}
telepathic communication 念話
to be fawning デレる
to be fawning でれる
to be infatuated 萌える