
   Neerlandés Inglés
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gen. dispersion
ambient. dissipation; distribution
cienc. disgregation; dissemination; plant dissemination
electr. diffusion
fluj. IT distribution
med. spread
| en
agric. electr. inoculation
| exploitatie van
 exploitatie van
ambient. resource exploitation
| de
cienc. constr. dismantle
resultaten van | de
cienc. constr. dismantle
med. oto...
activiteiten | overdracht van technologie
 overdracht van technologie
econ. technology transfer
| en
agric. electr. inoculation
| innovatie
gen. innovation
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a las frases
verspreiding m
gen. dispersion
ambient. dissipation; distribution In an environmental context, the term refers to the dispersion of air pollutants and depends on the type of pollution source (point source, line source, diffuse source), the wind velocity and the wind direction. Distribution can be active or passive
cienc. disgregation; dissemination; plant dissemination
electr. diffusion
fluj., IT distribution
med. spread
metal. deflocculation
Verspreiding en exploitatie van de: 9 a las frases, 4 temas
Ciencia de los materiales3
Ciencias naturales1