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a las frases
afbeelding f
gen. illustration (A drawing, photograph, or other image representation designed to decorate or to clarify a text); logo
arte illustration
fluj., comun. figure
IT, proc. display image
mat. mapping
micr. image (A pictorial graphic such as a digital photograph or illustration); picture (A pictorial graphic such as a digital photograph or illustration); image (A pictorial graphic such as a digital photograph or illustration); picture (A pictorial graphic such as a digital photograph or illustration)
tec. visual image
Afbeeldingen f
micr. Pictures (A folder that stores the user's graphics, e.g. digital pictures. Many graphic design and photo-editing programs use this location by default to open or save graphic files)
afbeeldingen f
micr. figures (A Windows feature (in CSS) that allows web designers and developers to wrap text and other inline content around specified elements and fragments. This way, they can create complex and intricate layouts. For example, in Digital Publishing this capability allows text to wrap around objects such as images. Figures can be absolutely positioned on a web page while still remaining part of the document flow. Figures can be positioned some specified distance from the top, bottom, left or right sides of the containing block)
afbeelding: 79 a las frases, 16 temas
Ciencias de la tierra1
Ciencias de la vida5
Ciencias naturales3
Control numérico por ordenador1
Estudios culturales2
Tecnología de la información12