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панель навигацииacentos
gráf. navbar (сокр. от "navigation bar"; англ. термин взят из кн.: De Sanctis V. ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 Alex_Odeychuk)
intern. Navigation Drawer (Artjaazz)
IT navigation bar (Enotte); navigation panel (financial-engineer)
micr. nav bar (A surface that appears along the top edge of the screen and includes navigation commands); Navigation Bar (A control bar in Outlook that enables the user to navigate quickly to different areas or views within the application); navigation bar (On a Web page, a grouping of hyperlinks for getting around in that particular Web site); navigation pane (An area of an application window that enables the user to navigate quickly to different parts of the program)
telecom. navigation pane (oleg.vigodsky)
Панель навигации
softw. navigation toolbar (Artjaazz)
панель навигации: 14 a las frases, 5 temas
Gráficos de computadora1
Tecnología de la información2
Término militar3