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объявить тендерacentos
gen. put out to tender (Cleaning services have been put out to tender (= companies have been asked to make offers to supply these services). OALD Alexander Demidov); tender (на что-либо, vt Notburga)
econ. call for competition (Пахно Е.А.); put out something to tender (hellbourne); put out tender for something (hellbourne)
gobiern. seek bids (City of Greenwood is seeking bids for a 60-year lease or purchase of a 17-acre city-owned site for a film production studio. – Муниципалитет объявил тендер на аренду или продажу ART Vancouver)
hindi float a tender (VPK)
negoc. issue a request for tenders (VLZ_58); issue an invitation to tender (VLZ_58); issue an ITB (Bauirjan); issue ITB (Bauirjan); launch a tender (felog); put a contract out to tender (george serebryakov)
sajal. issue a tender; post a tender (Sakhalin Energy)
объявить тендер на: 1 a las frases, 1 temas