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a las frases
abets v
gen. begünstigt; stiftet an
abet [ə'bet] v
gen. anstiften; aufhetzen; helfen; unterstützen; Vorschub leisten; begünstigen
jur. Beihilfe leisten
abetted v
gen. begünstigte
 Inglés tesauro
ABET [ə'bet] abbr.
abrev., educ. Adult Basic Education And Training; Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (Аккредитационный инженерно-технологический совет Лида); American Board for Engineering and Technology (Johnny Bravo)
abrev., educ., cient. Accreditation Board For Engineering And Technology; Accreditation Board For Engineering Teaching; Aussie Boats For East Timor
abrev., petról. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technique
ABETS abbr.
abrev., avia. airborne beacon electronic test system
tec. airborne beacon electronic test set
Abet [ə'bet] abbr.
abrev., negoc. abortive
abets: 11 a las frases, 4 temas
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