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t [ti:] s
tec. 1 tonne; t
μετανηολόγηση πλοίων adj.
transp., náut. Umregistrierung von Schiffen
t [ti:] abbr.
alt.energ. Triton; Tritiumkern
 Inglés tesauro
T [ti:] abbr.
abrev. trillion ($15T global construction output expected to double by 2025. writingexplained.org luvpis); tank Locomotive; technicien; Technical Memorandum; Technical Report; telegram (telegraph); telephony; telephone operator; teletype (writer); thermoplastic-insulated lead wire; tight; time constant; metric ton; tracked vehicle; triangular; Trinidad; tropical air mass; troy (weight); turbine; twist warp; typed
abrev., avia. tower; transfer load; trim; trail; propeller thrust; tail load; thrust of propeller; time of flight
abrev., cienc. taka; talc; talus sands; tangential; technology transfer; teletechnique; tephroite; terrigenous; tholeiite; throttle; todorokite; tonalite; topaz; total rock; tourmaline; trachyte; transmissivity; transparency; tremolite; triticites; troctolite; troilite; trondhjemite; troposphere; troughs; twisting moment
abrev., com. total trim; tropical loadline; transshipment; Turkish
abrev., econ. Treasury
abrev., energ. transmission coefficient
abrev., fís. reverberation time; surface tension
abrev., med. temperature, absolute (Kelvin); tetanus (toxoid); tidal (volume; SUBSCRIPT); tocopherol; tumor (antigen)
abrev., metal. temper; tempering
abrev., minería tailings; trommel
abrev., negoc. tax; telegram; telex; third of a page; trailer; train; transaction; trans-shipment; tum
abrev., perf. metric ton; tempo
abrev., petról. talus; tensor; ternary; terrace; theoretical; thrust; thrust fault; tied; toluene; tome; toxicity; trace element; track; transformation; transportation; traveltime; tread; treatment; tree; trend; Triassic; trigonal; triple ram; triplex; tropic; tropical load line; troughs; truss; tubular; tuff; turbocharged; two cone bit; typhoon; Tajik Rube
abrev., semic. transistor
abrev., tipogr. octodecimo
t [ti:] s
meteorol. thunderstorms (weather Val_Ships)
T. abbr.
abrev. period; thickness; top; top speed; township; townships
abrev., cienc. temperature; torque; Turkey
abrev., com. table; transport
abrev., econ. tare; transaction
abrev., electric. turn
abrev., ingen. thread
T- abbr.
abrev. throttle; Turkey; Turkish
°T abbr.
abrev., cienc. absolute temperature
T- abbr.
abrev., medid. tera- (igisheva)
Ts abbr.
abrev. tons
T! abbr.
abrev., med. decreased tension (pressure)
T/ abbr.
abrev., petról. terminal
abrev., cienc. temperature, absolute
α-T abbr.
abrev., med. α tocopherol
T+ abbr.
abrev., med. increased tension (pressure)
T [ti:] abbr.
abrev., automóv. tachograph; telemeter; temporary spare; temporary use; Touring; traction; turbo
abrev., fotogr. Tele
abrev., genét. tetratype
abrev., med. Thd; Thy
t [ti:] abbr.
abrev., econ. teletypewriter
abrev., genét. turbid plaque
T [ti:] abbr.
abrev. For This; Tarzan; Tehran; Tip; Ton; Trash; Turmoil; Put off (frenchriv); A T & T Corporation; T reference point (ISDN); Tallgrass; tank car; tape; technical; temporary; Tenacity; territorial (Vosoni); Texas; thermometer; Thursday; Thymine; Timer; toilet; total; Trainer Aircraft Designation; training; transfer (Vosoni); transferred (Vosoni); transportation; Traveler; triangle; tropical; Tuesday; turboprop; twisting number; viralspecific; thymus
abrev., agric. table; tare; trotter; twin
abrev., agroq. total cation exchange capacity
abrev., avia. tourist class; transmits only; true; equivalent runway thickness; taper; teacher; team; telegraphic; tender; thermoplastic; tolerance; traceability; traffic control; transmittance; turbine engine
abrev., biol. temporal; termination; terminator; threonine; thymidine; toe; trace; transition
abrev., biot. thymine
abrev., cartogr. telegraph
abrev., cine Teen
abrev., com. test
abrev., contr. technological
abrev., cuid., med. Tuberculosis
abrev., data.prot. Top Secret
abrev., dep. Timeout; Troll
abrev., econ. transferrable account
abrev., electr. transverse; absolute temperature; broadband T reference point; tactics; text; tone; transmittivity; trimming; trinitron; trunk; type; tension
abrev., equip. tool; tooth
abrev., escoc. Sulphur & Chlorine Compound (Chemical warfare agent); Tango (phonetic alphabet); tera- (million million); tesla (magnetic flux); Time zone 97.5 W - 112.5 W (GMT +7); Tracer
abrev., extens. Tads source; Tape Archive without compression (tar); Tester symbol table (ReaGeniX code generator); Unformatted manual page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff)
abrev., fisiol., med. Tired
abrev., ingen. turn
abrev., intern. Tacky; Terrible
abrev., IT Telecom; Templates; Trouble; transformer; trigger
abrev., mat. ten (десяток 64$?)
abrev., med. An Electrocardiographic Wave Corresponding To The Repolarization Of The Ventricles (wave); Extent Of Primary Tumor; Primary Tumor (TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) Classification: T0 No Evidence Of Primary Tumor, T1 To T4 Tumors In Progressing Sizes, And TX No Evidence Of Primary Tumor); temperature; m temperature midpoint (Kelvin); tera; transactional analysis; T-cell; T-lymphocyte; Taenia; tailless locus; tantalum; taurocholate; T-bandage; T-bar (orthodontics); technician; tester; test of significance; testosterone; testosterone-binding affinity; tetrachlorosalicylanilide; therapeutic abortion; therapy; thorax // thoraic; thoracic; topical; total graft area rejected; total L-chain concentration; tourniquet; transition point; Treponema; tribromosalicylanilide; Trichophyton; tripyridyltriazine; trismethylaminoethanesulfonic acid; Trypanosoma; tryptophan; tuberculum; type of T phage
abrev., meteorol. tracking
abrev., mil. Torture; Troops; search time available; short ton; trackline pattern
abrev., minería test
abrev., náut. Tropical Seawater (морская вода в тропиках (отметка на борту судна) Yuriy83)
abrev., petról. GRN temperature, gamma ray, neutron log; interfacial tension; period; tee; temperature log; tensile strength; top of formation; trillion
abrev., plást. tentative standard
abrev., polím. triplet state; tentative; thickness; time; top; torque; torr; triple bond; troy; tube; tubing
abrev., quím. toxic; trichlorethylene; tritium
abrev., rel. Temptation; testament
abrev., relac. execution time
abrev., segur. Draft; Free board mark which indicates the load line in tropical zones; Natural period oscillatory ship motion
abrev., silvicult. age
abrev., transp. Toll
abrev., vet., med. Tamer
abrev., ópt. tesla; tera-; transmission
ferroc., abrev. tank car
industr., abrev. period; tera-; tesla; torr; transformer; tritium; turn
meteorol., abrev. target; telemetering; temporary; training; tropical; turboprop; table
mil. terminal; tactical; tank; tanker; target; telegraphy; telephone; teletype; territory; theater; top secret; torpedo; traffic; trainer; transit; transmitter; transport; trench; troop; truce
tec. oscillation period; radioactive half-life; target angle; telecommunication; telegrapher; telemetering; tera; test equipment; testing; thread; toggle; transitional; transmitting; transponder; transport number; triple; true direction; volume
tec., agroq. total cation exchange capacity
t [ti:] abbr.
abrev. t quark (MichaelBurov); t-quark (MichaelBurov); top quark (MichaelBurov); truth quark (MichaelBurov); mete (Cockroach Slayer); tail; tex; tray; tardy; teaspoon; teeth; tentative; thunder; thunderstorm; tide; title; tonnage; town; translation; Triode; tropical; tug; talus - such
abrev., astr. meridian angle
abrev., avia. maximum thickness of wing
abrev., cienc. tongue; tooth thickness; trans-type; tridymite; triton; Turonian
abrev., fís. transresistance
abrev., med. temperature (Celsius); three times; tragus; transitory; translocation; trill; trine
abrev., med., lat. tabula; ter
abrev., negoc. tun
abrev., petról. metric tons, tonne(s)
abrev., quím. trans-
automóv. tonne
esc. tuition
espectr. triplet (сокращение, принятое при характеристике спектра ЯМР. В отечественной практике функционирует аналогичное сокращение - "т" (трилет) Min$draV)
estados. township
gram. transitive
hist. 160
inf. ton
metal. ordinary temperature
petr. gross; sonic interval transit time
polím. tertiary
segur. Hour angle
tec. 907,185 kg; 1000 kg; t
T. abbr.
abrev. Territory; Trinity term
abrev., carg. tome; twenty four mo; typed
abrev., jur. Texas Reports
abrev., lat. Titulus ("title"); Titus (a common Roman forename)
abrev., minería tufa
abrev., tec. tone
jur. testament; title
t. abbr.
abrev. third; tip; metric ton; tooth; transition; ton
abrev., carg. temporary
abrev., cienc. metric ton; tertiary; triton; troy
abrev., econ. toll
abrev., ingen. tooth thickness
minería tun
polím. tensile; tension; time
°T abbr.
abrev., avia. °V
abrev., tec. rumbo verdadero; true heading
Tsub 3 [ti:] abbr.
abrev., biol. triiodothyronine
biol. triiodothyronine
Tsub c [ti:] abbr.
gen. cytotoxic T cell
ηt abbr.
abrev., avia. tail setting angle
t/ abbr.
abrev., inf. subordinate (olga69)
Tsub H [ti:] abbr.
abrev., inmunol. T helper cell
abrev., med. body temperature; Celsius scale temperature
T/ abbr.
abrev., petról. top of
Tsub H [ti:] abbr.
inmunol. T helper cell
.T abbr.
IT application/x-troff
temp [ti:] abbr.
refr. temperature
t.ə abbr.
abrev. hospitable (Isaev)
T/- abbr.
abrev. Trusteeship Council
t- abbr.
abrev., cienc. top
n. t. abbr.
abrev., econ. net ton
Tsub s [ti:] abbr.
inmunol. T suppressor cell
T: 2015 a las frases, 87 temas
Aceites y lubricantes1
Americano uso8
Antenas y guías de onda.11
Aparatos médicos8
Atención médica de emergencia3
Británico uso, no ortografía8
Cables y producción de cables.2
Ciencia de los materiales5
Ciencias de la tierra4
Ciencias de la vida6
Ciencias naturales2
Comercio exterior23
Comunicaciones por satélite1
Cuidado de la salud41
De tío2
Estilo empresarial1
Estudios culturales1
Fisica de altas energías33
Física nuclear3
Fondo monetario internacional5
Industria energetica1
Industria textil3
Ingenieria eléctrica1
Ingeniería mecánica72
Instrumentos de medición3
Investigación y desarrollo3
Óptica rama de la física2
Pasatiempos y pasatiempos6
Piscicultura piscicultura4
Protección del sistema de energía2
Recursos naturales y conservación de la vida silvestre.1
Servicio postal1
Solución alternativa de controversias2
Tecnología de la información2
Tubos de vacio5
Unión Europea1