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bed [bed] s
gen. 耕床 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 単層 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; (しき) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 河道 (かどう) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 河床 (kashō) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
constr. ベッド (beddo); (だい); 寝台 (しんだい)
n bed | n s
gen. ベッド gai1 ichi1 (beddo); 臥所; 臥し所; ichi1 news1 nf04 (yuka); 寝床 ichi1 news2 nf32; 寝どこ; 地層 news1 nf15 (coal, gravel, etc., chisō); 地盤 news1 nf06 (gravel, river, etc., ぢばん); 寝台 ichi1 news1 nf24 (しんだい); 枕席; 床榻; 牀榻
antic. 枕籍; 枕藉
Bed [bed] s
gen. 単層岩相層序区分、 がんそうそうじょくぶん River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
n BED | n s
gen. バナナ等価線量
n n-suf bed | n n-suf s
gen. (sō)
 Inglés tesauro
bed [bed] abbr.
abrev., amer., jerg. rack (I have to hit the rack by ten or I'll be tired in the morning)
abrev., construcc. behind completion date
BED [bed] abbr.
abrev. Better Equipment Donation; Beverage Entertainment And Dining; Beverages Entertainment And Dining; Big Elephant Dangly; Bookmark Exploring Dabbler (VRML); Bachelor of Education; bioelectronic device
abrev., avia. beam error detector; bonding and earthly diagram
abrev., burs. Bedford Property Investments, Inc.
abrev., cient. Battlefield Environment Directorate
abrev., dep. Biking, Eating, And Drinking
abrev., electr. bio-electronic device; bridge-element delay; byte error detecting (code)
abrev., fisiol., med. Binge Eating Disorder
abrev., intern. Big Email Directory
abrev., IT Browser Extensible Data
abrev., med. binge eating disorder (компульсивное переедание Dimpassy); biologic equivalent dose (harser); biologically effective dose (harser)
abrev., pesc. bycatch excluder device
comp. bit error distribution
mil. basic engineering development
tec. byte error detecting code
BEDS [beds] abbr.
abrev., avia. basic equipment design support; Boeing Electronic Distribution of Software; Boeing engineering drawing search
abrev., med. Belgian Elderly Diabetes Survey
Bed [bed] abbr.
abrev., cienc. Bedford
cartogr. Bedfordshire
Beds. abbr.
abrev. Bedfordshire
BeD [bed] abbr.
abrev., petról. bedding description
Beds [beds] s
cartogr. Bedfordshire
BED [bed] abbr.
abrev., avia. bonding and earthing diagram
abrev., cienc. Bureau of Energy Development
abrev., IT bus extension driver card
abrev., metal. big end down (mould)
abrev., petról. basic engineering design
abrev., red d. bus extension driver
bed: 1 a las frases, 1 temas