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strenuously ['strenjuəslɪ] adv.acentos
gen. усиленно; напряжённо; энергично; натужно (Anglophile); упорно (scherfas); решительно (Kudela and Slavia strenuously denied the initial accusations levelled by Kamara in March, with the Czech Republic international alleged to have made a racist comment while covering his mouth towards the end of an ill-tempered round-of-16 second leg that Rangers lost 2-0, eliminating them from the competition. beinsports.com aldrignedigen); еле-еле (Rudnicki); ревностно; усердно; деятельно; горячо; храбро; смело; отважно
jur. категорически (I strenuously object (Я категорически протестую) pvlpavlov)
strenuously: 11 a las frases, 2 temas