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shenanigan [ʃə'nænigən] sacentos
gen. махинация; интрига; чепуха; попытка ввести в заблуждение; ерунда; обман; выражение буйной радости
inf. шутка, попытка ввести в заблуждение (sea holly); выражение буйной радости (на вечеринке и т. п. sea holly); махинация (sea holly); интрига (sea holly); подвох (Agasphere); чудачество (Taras); афера (MichaelBurov)
shenanigans [ʃǝ'nænɪɡǝnz] s
gen. надувательство; выходки (Tumatutuma); причуды (VLZ_58); штучки-дрючки (VLZ_58); выкрутасы (suburbian); ухищрения (peregrin); проказы; чудачество
Игорь Миг фигли-мигли
desaprob. махинации ("secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering": The oddity in the photo proved to be so remarkable that the motocross riders actually wound up appearing on a national news program in Peru (seen above). During the segment, they insisted that there were no shenanigans behind the image and, suspecting that the anomaly could be alien in nature, called upon experts to investigate the case. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); жульничество ("secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering": The oddity in the photo proved to be so remarkable that the motocross riders actually wound up appearing on a national news program in Peru (seen above). During the segment, they insisted that there were no shenanigans behind the image and, suspecting that the anomaly could be alien in nature, called upon experts to investigate the case. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); мошенничество ("secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering": The oddity in the photo proved to be so remarkable that the motocross riders actually wound up appearing on a national news program in Peru (seen above). During the segment, they insisted that there were no shenanigans behind the image and, suspecting that the anomaly could be alien in nature, called upon experts to investigate the case. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
fig. фортель (alindra)
inf. всякие глупости; проделки; розыгрыши; шалости; затеи (Liv Bliss); чудачества (Taras); тайные махинации (secret or dishonest activities Val_Ships); уловки (I'm fed up with your shenanigans. Why don't you tell me the truth for a change and act honestly? Taras); афера (MichaelBurov)
shenanigan: 16 a las frases, 6 temas
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