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RCM abbr.acentos
gen. смеситель с рециркуляционным насосом (AG)
Gruzovik средства противодействия радиолокации (radar countermeasures)
clim. региональная климатическая модель
Gruzovik, radioloc. противорадиолокационная защита (radar countermeasures); противорадиолокационные мероприятия (radar counter-measures [брит.], radar countermeasures [амер.])
micr. отражающая конфокальная микроскопия (Reflectance confocal microscopy Анастасия_О)
mil. РКМ; радиационно-конвективная модель
petról. техническое обслуживание, направленное на обеспечение надёжности (reliability-centered maintenance)
tec. устройство контроля дифференциального тока (LyuFi)
tecn. модуль управления райзером (MichaelBurov)
teng. техобслуживание, основанное на надёжности (Yeldar Azanbayev)
 Inglés tesauro
RCM abbr.
abrev. Registered Child Minder; Registered Condominium Manager; Registered Cooperative Manager; Real Color Management (Амбарцумян); Remote Carrier Module; Response Coordination Manual; Royal College of Music; Regulatory Compliance Mark (carp)
abrev., astron. Regional climate model
abrev., automóv. Restraints Control Module (translator911); restraint control module
abrev., avia. Richmond, Queensland, Australia; Responsibility Centre Manager; reliability centralized maintenance; corrosive; ratio change module; recommend cruise Mach; reliability control manual
abrev., biol. Reinforced Clostridial Medium (buraks)
abrev., bioq. rat colonic mucin (Игорь_2006)
abrev., cienc. random choice method; Roan Consolidated Mines, Ltd.; Royal College of Mines
abrev., clim. MCR; modello climatico regionale
abrev., com. Requirements Correlation Matrix (Air Force); receipt of classified material
abrev., comun. Reliability Centred Maintenance
abrev., contr. Risk Control Measure (iwona)
abrev., defens. aviation radio and radar countermeasure technician; radar countermeasure; radio countermeasure
abrev., educ., cient. The Royal Conservatory Of Music
abrev., electr. rack control microprocessor; reference clock module; remote control mouse; resources centralized manager
abrev., escoc. Recessed Contact Mechanism; Regimental Court-Martial
abrev., espac. reaction control module; restricted corrosive material
abrev., fin. risk capital margin
abrev., fisiol., med. Right Costal Margin
abrev., gobiern. regulatory change management (Natalia Zimarina)
abrev., ingen. reliability-centred maintenance
abrev., intern. Rec Crafts Metalworking
abrev., marc. Richard Childress Motorsports; Rlg Cultural Materials
abrev., med. Red Cell Mass; Royal College Of Midwives
abrev., medic. red blood cell mass
abrev., mil. Reliability Centered Maintenance; Reliability-Centered Maintenance; Rules for Courts-Martial
abrev., nombr. Regional Coordination Mechanism
abrev., perf. riser control module (MichaelBurov)
abrev., petról. remote cement mixing (andrushin); radioactive-convective model; rapid cycle moulding; regional component mapping; reservoir connectivity continuity mapping; resistivity closure meter; revenue cost model; reversal cost method; Royal College of Mines (UK)
abrev., plást. rapid cycle moulding
abrev., progr., IT Remote Cache Manager; Resource Consuming Monster
abrev., quím. ring-closing metathesis
abrev., sajal. recirculating cement mixer; recirculating mixer; Reliability analysis; Risk centered maintenance
abrev., tec. residual current monitor (тока утечки LyuFi)
abrev., teng. Recommended Control Measures (Yeldar Azanbayev)
mil. radar countermeasures; radio countermeasures; radio-controlled mine; receipt for classified material; refurbished command module; regimental court-material; reliability centered maintenance
tec. recovery and control manager
rcm abbr.
abrev., med. Royal College of Midwives (КатеринаШакирова)