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agric. hustota
astr. frekvence
estad. četnost
micr. frekvence
of | breathing
biol. dýchání
- se han encontrado palabras individuales (hay algunos valores en el tesauro que no tienen traducción en el diccionario)

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frequency ['fri:kwənsɪ] s
estad. četnost
micr. frekvence (The measure of how often a periodic event occurs, such as a signal going through a complete cycle. Frequency is usually measured in hertz (Hz), with 1 Hz equaling 1 occurrence (cycle) per second. Frequency is also measured in kilohertz (kHz, or 1,000 Hz), megahertz (MHz, or 1,000 kHz), gigahertz (GHz, or 1,000 MHz), or terahertz (THz, or 1,000 GHz))
tec. kmitočet
frequency ['fri:kwənsɪ] adj.
agric. hustota
astr. frekvence
 Inglés tesauro
frequency ['fri:kwənsɪ] abbr.
abrev. fqcy; freq
abrev., fís. f
abrev., polím. freq.
ingen., abrev. f.
IT A measure of the rate by which events occur over a certain period of time
frequency of: 9 a las frases, 3 temas