
   Inglés tesauro
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abrev. comun. ordinary wave
abrev. IT Outfile
abrev. intern. Male
abrev. econ. occupation
abrev. numism. Overton Number
abrev. med. optimal
abrev. of; on
| r
abrev. med. In Electrocardiography, The First Positive Deflection During The QRS Complex

adjetivo | abreviatura | interjección | a las frases
O [əu] abbr.
abrev., comun. ordinary wave
O. abbr.
abrev., econ. occupation
o. abbr.
abrev., econ. offered; office
o' abbr.
abrev. of; on
O [əu] abbr.
abrev. October; Office; Ohio; Operations; Opportunities; Opportunity; Organization; Oakland; Obedience; Obedient; Obliqueness; Occlude; ocean; Octant; Oddity; Omaha; Onion; Oort; Operate; operation; operations; opium; Oprah; orange; orbital; Oregon; Orgasm; oriental; Oriental; Orifice; Osteoarthritis; ounce (Vosoni); outlook; overcast; Overclocking; Overcooked; overdose; Overlay; Overt; Ownership; ozone; Realty Income Corporation; Ontario
abrev., agroq. organic horizon; organic layer
abrev., avia. organizational; zero lift; occupation; official; orally; O-ring
abrev., cienc. oblique; obsidian; occurrence; oceanography; ochres; octahedrite; Olduvai; oligoclase; opal; ordinary ray; orebodies; orthoclase; orthopyroxene; orthorhombic; ostracodes
abrev., cient. Oxygen
abrev., com. offer; owner
abrev., comp. OR
abrev., dep. Out; Outdoor; outside; over time; occupational therapy
abrev., electr. operand; over; overall
abrev., electr., cient. Off; Operating
abrev., escoc. Oscar (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 22.5 W - 37.5 W (GMT +2)
abrev., extens. Object file (Unix - Atari - GCC)
abrev., fisiol. Occipito; Onset
abrev., fisiol., med. Observation
abrev., geogr. outstanding; over-
abrev., industr. Observed
abrev., IT Object; Operator
abrev., med. Blood Type In The ABO Blood Group; eye; Ovary Transplant; Pint (Lat. Octarius); See Omicron; Osteocyte; pint; none; nonmotile strain of an organism; obstetrics; occiput; oculist; Onchocera; operon; oral; orotidine
abrev., med., lat. opening (in formulas for electrical reactions); oculus; octarius
abrev., medios. Offset
abrev., mil. Objectives; Officer; Optional; Outstanding; contour pattern
abrev., mil., avia. of B order of battle
abrev., náut. order; east (MichaelBurov)
abrev., perf. out of gage
abrev., petról. oasis; ocular; Oersted; oiliness; Oligocene; optimization; optimum; orbit; ordered; ordinary; Ordovician; ore; ore bodies; origin; outlet; overflow; oxide-coating (coated)
abrev., polím. off-set; oil
abrev., progr., IT Output
abrev., quím. O-dimethyl thiophosphoryl chloride; O-diethyldithiophosphoric acid; O-diethylthiophosphoryl chloride; O-diethyl-S- dithiophosphate
abrev., red d., IT Online
abrev., ópt. opacity
meteorol., abrev. ocean; operation; operations; orbital; outlook; overcast; oxygen; observation
mil. object; observation; observer; office; officer; ordnance; oxygen
tec. observer duties; ohm; open; open circuit; ortho; oscillator; oxide-coated
tec., agroq. organic horizon; organic layer
O. abbr.
abrev. Ohio; Ohio Reports; Order; octave (octavo)
abrev., carg. octavo; old; oriental
abrev., cienc. oasis; occasional; Ontario
abrev., lat. Hora ("hour"); Obiit ("died"); Ordo ("order")
abrev., metal. overhead welding position
abrev., mil., avia. Offr orderly officer
abrev., minería Orient
abrev., tec. October
jur. offer; opponent; owner
o [əu] abbr.
abrev. occidental; oil; old; olive; only; opera; opposite; optical; opus; overcast; pint
abrev., econ. to the order of
abrev., electr. optics
abrev., petról. ortho-
agric. occasional occurrence of species; organic horison
inf. operation; operator
petr. out of gauge
o. abbr.
abrev. oersted; open; opening; optimum; optimal; oxide-coated; oxide-coating; origin (Vosoni); originated (Vosoni)
abrev., com. official
O- abbr.
abrev., gr., cienc. ortho
O+ abbr.
abrev., intern. Female
o- abbr.
abrev., quím. ortho-
O- abbr.
rel. Honorific prefix. Japanese terms sometimes prefixed with the honorific "o-" or mi- or go- may be listed under their main word in this dictionary. E.g. for o-negai see Negai, for go-bunrei see Bunrei A Popular Dictionary of Shinto (Brian Bocking)
abrev. operator zero mutation
%o abbr.
abrev., econ. per thousand (mile)
o [əu] abbr.
abrev., med. optimal
O-\" abbr.
abrev., intern. Male
O <устар.> [əu] abbr.
abrev. E (MichaelBurov)
O/ abbr.
abrev., econ. to the order of
O$$ abbr.
abrev., IT Outfile
O\# abbr.
abrev., numism. Overton Number
o: 17 a las frases, 8 temas
Marca comercial1
Suministro de agua1